WebNovelHalf Bros88.89%

Bad Boy

Madison High School

(Freddie working on his car)

(Freddie: Ok it took me an hour after school but I fixed my horn.

Thomas: Good thing that horn gave me a headache or an earache (laughs).

Freddie: It will get better when you walk home. Insulting my car is like insulting my girlfriend.

Thomas: That explains why you have to fix it so much no sane girl would stay with you (laughs).

(Mark laughs)

(Freddie looking at Mark)

Mark: A cough.

Thomas: Go ahead I need the excess.

Timmy: See you at home.

(The three of them drive away)

Thomas: Ok time this going be a cake walk minus the cake (laughs). 

(Thomas hearing noises next to the building)

(Thomas going to next the building)

(Thomas seeing Trevor talking on the phone)

Thomas: What's Trevor doing here.

Trevor: Come on baby you know I love you.

Thomas: Oh he's talking to Sarah.

(Thomas feeling sad)

Trevor: I love your red hair.

Thomas: Red hair?

(Thomas hiding in bushes before Trevor sees him)

(Trevor walks away)

Thomas: He's cheating on Sarah.

(Next day)

Madison High School 


(Thomas talking to Freddie, Mark, and Timmy)

Thomas: Then I hide in bushes. So now what are we going to do.

Mark: Well nothing.

Thomas: Nothing, guys Trevor is cheating on Sarah, I heard him myself.

Freddie: You mean by eavesdropping.

Thomas: The only thing I dropped in was the bushes.

Timmy: Thomas is a possibility from your distance you might have missed hearing him.

Freddie: Or wanted to miss hear him.

Thomas: Are you saying I'm lying?

Timmy: No, but you use to date Sarah and maybe part of you wants her back.

Thomas: No is because I'm a man and real man don't treat on women with respect.

Mark: Wow I didn't think you cared about masculinity so much.

Thomas: I'm a man am I. I'm going to prove it.

(Sarah, Trevor, and female teacher walks in)

Thomas: I'm going grab this water and poor it on the teacher.

Mark: Why in the world would you do that.

Thomas: To prove Trevor is a dirt bag that looks through women's wet clothes.

Freddie: I kind of like this plan.

(Thomas walks over)

Thomas: Losing my balance.

(Thomas fakes slips and spills the water on principle Brian, who walks in)

Thomas: I guess you're not going be thirsty for a while (laughs).


Timmy: Still liking this plan, Freddie.

Freddie: Not as much.


(Guys in the gym)

Freddie: What are you doing?

Thomas: Trevor is on the soccer team practice and at the same time cheerleaders are in the shower. When sees the door open he looks at the cheerleaders like a creep.

Mark: Why do you know the cheerleaders schedule?

Thomas: Freddie told me.

(Mark and Timmy look at Freddie)

Freddie: I dated a cheerleader well three.

Thomas: Let's all cheer for that (laughs).

Timmy: I think you got the time wrong.

Thomas: Why do you say that?

Timmy: Because I hear them walking down the hall.

(Cheerleaders walking in)

Mark: Quick hide.

(Timmy, Mark, and Freddie hide)

(Thomas walks in the cheerleader locking room)

(Cheerleaders walk in the locker room)

Freddie: I can't tell if that's the worst idea he ever had or the best.

Thomas: Hey ladies can you give my bad (laughs).

(Cheerleaders attack Thomas)

(Hours later)

(Outside the school)

Timmy: Thomas you now have detention for two weeks and got beaten up by the whole cheerleader team.

Thomas: Not going to lie despite how hard those girls could kick. I kind of enjoyed it.

Freddie: He wouldn't.

Mark: Ok you just proving you two are creeps. You being pig headed and crazy, when are you going to stop.

Thomas: Not until I prove Trevor is cheating on Sarah.

Mark: Well you can do it without us.

Thomas: Come Timmy, you believe me right.

(Timmy and others walk away in silence)

Thomas: Maybe they are right maybe I'm being crazy.

(Thomas seeing Trevor talking on a his)

Trevor: No,I do you think we went to fast with that kiss, you're just only girl for me, Leslie.

Thomas: I knew it.

Trevor: What should we eat for dinner.

Thomas: Fries with a side of liar salad.

(Trevor end call)

Trevor: Hey Thomas, what's up.

Thomas: Nothing because you're going down. How dare you cheat on Sarah.

Trevor: Listen I like Sarah but there are other pretty girls out there. I can't help it, they all like me.

Thomas: You get dirt bags a bad name.

Trevor: Watch your tongue before I rip it out of you.

(Thomas kicks Trevor between the legs and headbutts him to the ground)

Thomas: Pig headed more pig skulled (laughs).

(Sarah walks outside and see Trevor outside)

Sarah: Thomas what did you do?

Thomas: Sarah it's not what it looks like.

Sarah: You didn't beat up my boyfriend.

Thomas: Ok that's part is right. I only did it because he cheated on you.

Sarah: Thomas I thought we were friends but obviously you can't stand seeing me with anyone else. Just stay away from me.

(Sarah and Trevor walk away)

Next Day, Madison High School 

(Thomas standing near the lockers)

(Trevor walks near Thomas)

Trevor: Sorry Thomas but the better man won.

Thomas: Then why are you still seeing Sarah?

(Timmy, Freddie, Mark, and Sarah walk over)

Trevor: Hey bab…

(Sarah slaps Trevor)

Sarah: You are a timing beast.

Trevor: What are talking about.

Mark: She knows you be cheating on her.

Trevor: Prove it.

(Timmy showing a playing recording of him talking Thomas about his other girlfriend)

Trevor: How did you get that?

Timmy: I stay behind yesterday and recorded your conversation with Thomas with his recorder.

Thomas: I love that I got that. I thought you didn't believe me.

Timmy: It's might because we're brothers but either way I know you wouldn't do this without a good attention.

Trevor: Sarah we can talk this out.

Sarah: Let's talk then. we're over.

Freddie: Don't worry we got a bunch of girls who want to see you.

(Cheerleaders chase after Trevor)

(Trevor runs away)

Sarah: Thomas I owe you a big apology, I should've known wouldn't be jealous.

Thomas: The truth is I was jealous and part me regrets we broke up.

Sarah: I've been feeling the same thing too. If you want we can start over.

Thomas: Sure do we won't knock your books by accident or trip a guy in a pool.

(Both laughs and hold hands)

Mark: So do know any single cheerleaders.

Freddie: You be surprised.