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Buff Karma

Madison High School, Classroom

(Thomas,Timmy, Freddie, and Mark sitting at new desks)

Mark: Is new school year guys, how does it feel.

Timmy: I understand your intend but I don't understand how being new academic year can make you feel anything.

Freddie: I see your personality hasn't changed.

Timmy: I don't see Alex anywhere.

Mark: I heard he's been homesick for a week.

Thomas: I know most people were sick of him but I didn't think he could get sick of himself (laughs). Well I guess that karma for you.

Mark: What's karma?

Thomas: Is kind of luck that depends if you do good or bad. Is like a luck boomerang that you're hope it doesn't come back.

Freddie: That's nonsense and for you that's saying something. Timmy, you're a smart one.

Timmy: Well luck is obviously just in a belief of random things. But for people themselves I observe that if you make them made at you they become your own karma.

Freddie: You guys are making this up.

(Kids walking in)

(Large muscular kid walks in)

Teacher: Hello Kenny William.

(Freddie shocked)

Mark: Wow that guy looks jacked. 

Thomas: Yay he's most put some iron in his diet plus other metals (laughs).

Timmy: Freddie did you know…

(Freddie gone)

Timmy: Well that's random.


(All four them talking)

Mark: Dude why did bolt out of class.

Thomas: Yay we found bolts that lead us to you (laughs).

Freddie: Well I know Kenny from middle school.

Timmy: We're your friends that had fun together.

Freddie: I had fun at his expense.

Thomas: You're were a bully!

Mark: And I thought you making a chart, that category girls to cute, pretty, or hot, was the worst thing you've ever done.

Freddie: You guys know I did some bad things before I met your guys. I was pretty fair in that rankings.

Timmy: His way of evaluating each girls aspect was very impressive.

Thomas: Relax Freddie, that was years ago. Is not like his going beat you up on the first day.

(Girl walks over)

Girl: Freddie, that Kenny guy is looking for you.

Thomas: Or I can be wrong.

Art Room

(Guys talking)

Thomas: Hey Freddie is it ok I call dibs on your stuff if Kenny uses his huge muscles to beat you to death.

Freddie: No, how would you think I would answer that.

Thomas: Hey I thought you wanted a close friend to take care of your car.

Mark: Relax Freddie he has to get through us to get to you. Is not like jacked guys are super human.

Timmy: Maybe not but closed at least.

(All four them watch from the window)

(Kenny caring a vending machine inside)

Brian: Thanks Kenny, two adults couldn't lift this.

Kenny: Thank you. Would you know where Freddie Jones is?

(Back in the art room)

Thomas: I heard people playing with soda cans but not the machine (laughs).

Freddie: Ok you two were right about karma so tell me how to undo it.

Timmy: I think the first thing you need to do would act like a man.

Freddie: Hey I'm manly.

Thomas: Says the guy who makes chickens look like daredevils.

Freddie: Hey it's not like you two can't be jerks.

Thomas: That's because I'm chaotic and random.

Timmy: I'm logical and straight to the point. While the old you might have been mean on purpose.

Mark: Ok I think you two are being too harsh.

Freddie: No they right. If I am man then I have face this by myself even if this end of my life. And whatever you do don't help me.

(Freddie walks out)

Mark: Dibs on his car.

Freddie: I heard that.

Main Entrance 

(The guys going past the janitor)

Janitor: Careful kids if you slip on the floor it will be painful.

Freddie: Is probably going be least painful part of my day.

Kenny: Freddie is that you.

Freddie: Yes but before you beat me in a pulp let me just say this first. I did a lot of things I'm not proud of when I was young and being mean to people but I regret that everyday of my life and try to be a great friend to people who still trust me. I want to apologize for what I did to you and if you still want to fight me then bring it on.

Kenny: I don want to fight you.

(All four of them shocked)

Freddie: You don't.

Kenny: Of course not why would you think that?

Freddie: Well I was a major jerk to you in middle school.

Kenny: That was years ago man we way more mature now. Plus being pushed around by you gave me the push to get in shape.

Thomas: Yes the Superman shape (laughs). Thomas Lee, nice to meet you.

Freddie: Wow that's a load off dude. I thought your going to destroy me and I wouldn't blame you. I was a jerk. 

Kenny: Now that I look back some of the stuff you did was pretty funny. Like you eating red candy to make you think you are really bleeding from your mouth.

(Kenny laughs)

Freddie: Or making you think the cops were coming after you for coming in late.

(Both laughs)

Freddie: And dumping your sister.

Kenny: You what?

Freddie: You didn't know I was dating your sister when we were in middle school.

Kenny: I know a total jerk dumped her and made her cry for weeks.

Freddie: To be fair I only went on her to cheer up because she was sad all the time.

(Kenny getting even more mad)

Timmy: And people think we can't read the situation.

Thomas: Yay you better run Freddie.

Freddie: Kenny happened to being more mature know.

Kenny: This is different no one messes with my sister.

Mark: Freddie get of there.

(Kenny tries to tackle Freddie but jumps out of the way)

(Kenny slips on wet floor and falls down the stair well)

Thomas: Talk about a watch were you slip (laughs), sorry reflex.


(Ambulance treating Kenny's injured leg and about to to take him in to the hospital)

Freddie: How bad is it.

Kenny: Well nothing broken but I have stay home for a few days. Good news for than.

Freddie: Kenny I was serious about regretting everything I did to you and your sister. I hope we at least try being friends for now.

Kenny: I would like that.

(Both of them shack hands)

(Kenny crushes Freddie hand)

Freddie: My hand!

Mark: Wow I thought you forgiven him.

Kenny: I did. I guess I don't know my own strength.

Thomas: I think the snakes Hercules choked out and what's Freddie left of Freddie hand would agree with you (laughs). Karma takes many forms.

Freddie: You can say that again.