First notice

"The story first starts *cough* here." A creaky voice can be heard as a old man was sitting down on a blanket, with the sounds of crickets in the background.

The surrounding was sunset, but they were yet to be hidden away far deep into the cove, for they have went into hiding. It had to danger, they had patched the wall with dirt so Diseases can't get in.

The lighting in the cove was dim, water dripping in the distance, but the crickets left a little comfort in the old mans ears. Nature is still around me, he breathed.

Young boys and girls with small or no gray wings sat and listened. The old man had very huge and ancient gray wings. They were getting transparent, for the little children could see right through them. They all had feathers on their ears and face, with them being mixed races.

The old man used to be very important to his race, for he was once third in command of his tribe.

"Well!? We want to hear more!" One girl child with a missing tooth yelled. Her voice echoed the cave they were in, and her wings werent that big, but she was second oldest there among the children.

The old man eyes widen, for he and these children were in hiding. "Hush, little child, for we can't be heard! It is very important we don't, ye we get caught." His voice was filled to the brim with panick.

"I will tell you the story, but you can't scream or yell, for ye forgotten we are in hiding?"

Then he sighed. "Okay. Once upon a time..."

**** Pst, I hope this book will turn out great ****

The old man named Ravan was finished with his story, it was familiar to him that he had told the children it a lot of times so.

Now, they were playing quietly with stones, playing a game a child named Ray invented. It was called 'Toss the stone,' and you basically toss 2 stones to each other. Whoever ends up with the stone lighter colored stone is the player, and the other darker stone is a 'Gamemaster,' and they give the player 3 dates to do.

As old Ravan watched young Oaka run around and collect stones for a second game, he flexed his old ancient wings.

He accidentally hit a baby behind him, and the little girl started to cry.

"Shh, shh.." oh he comforted her, making his voice gentle and loving. The baby girl shushed quickly, and Ravan put his wings around her.

While he did, he was mad at himself for forgetting how small the cove was, since they blocked the way for Diseases not to come and harm them.

Exhausted, he looked through the hole on the roof, where endless sky filling with cherry red light and orange mango came to view.

He just loved watching the sunset, and with his wife, specifically. But she already died throughout the hiding time.

Ravan sighed, and settled down the babe on the blanket again.

****Yes, this was late at night andy my eyes are crying bro (last message)****

It became dark, and Ravan called the children to sleep.

"I'm cold, grandpapa!" A girl named Susan told Ravan.

"Sorry, Susan. Go with the other children, and use your wings to cover you up. You you feathers, right?" Then playfully tickled the girl.

She laughed. "Yes!"

Susan walked to the others, and suggested the idea as always. Ravan sighed again.

There were about 15 children in total, 3 babes and 12 young children. The oldest is Suga, a male and was 10 years old.

The youngest is this 9 months old, named Devon and was more smaller than normal. The last two of the babes are twins. Hana and Raha. Both 10 months old.

Not enough food, exactly. Ravan thought, then scooped up Devon, Hana and lastly Raha.

Time for sleep.


Ravan woke up,cold but warmed by purple and pink dawn light warming his wings.

He picked a spot in this cove for the water to not reach him and the children, the last thing he needed was a child getting sick.

Then, his good hearing skills picked up sound.

In the distance was a *hawkkk* *hawkkk!*

A hawk was definitely near by.

He got up and dusted off his face, shirt, and pants. Looking around, Ravan found exactly what he was looking for, the tiny river that was hidden between some rocks.

Taking a sip, the cool mountain water made Ravan a lot better. He washed his face and ear feathers, for he couldn't wash off his wings.

Looking back at the children, he noticed they were all asleep, and listened again for the hawk.

It was still there, just a bit farther away now.

Not wanting to lose it, Ravan quickly moved his transparent wings a little, making it brush the rock wall beside him, and jumped.

He had a amazing jumping talent, so it being used now even though he was a old man took no toll on him.

His wings helped him glide to the hole, and he dug the hole big enough for him tpbfit his wings through.

He tasted the air. Fresh air. And spread open his arms and wings wide.

The feathers on his ears and face tingled with the air, but that small sense of freedom in the proud dawn air wasn't for his crestfallen angel race.

It was for humans. Humans and the Diseases.

Elfs, dwarfs, land, sky, and waterman.

His huge transparent wings was proudly 6 feet, one of the biggest wing bearers was him. It was that big woman in the space bird tribe with the biggest wings. 9 foot. She was just lucky.

Ravan lost track of why he was under the Milky purple and pink sky, then glossing it over with the children in mind, starving.

Looking for the hawk, Ravan soon spotted it quickly, and was joyous.

It's mates! If it's mates.. then..?

Yes, there were eggs.

Happy for finding such a treasure, Ravan quickly jumped into the air, flapping his wings wildly at first, then catching the wind and let it control his wings like gentle waves carrying a floating person.

The main soon left, leaving the female alone.

My chance to get meat and eggs. He thought.

Rising into the air, Ravan flapped up until he was above the short trees, then swooped down.

The female hawk has no suspicions about a random old man coming at her now.

In one felt grab, Ravan chocked the female hawk to death. Then, he turned around and was about to grab the batch of eggs in the nest when hos chest started to fight for breath.


I feel like no one's gonna like this smooth talk of a chapter right here.