
Kilo didn't know the children respected him that much. He fluttered his wings nervously, unsure what to say.

"Sorry for your loss..?" He sputtered out. Ayla smiled, then said, "even a five year old has to be a survivor..!" But her voice sounded like she was ready to cry.

Can't blame her, Kilo thought. Me dying must had been a huge shocker.

Then Kilo spread his wings and wrapped up his tail like a squirrels. "So, do you like squirrels?"

Ayla was shocked. "How did you know?" She asked, her wings popping uneasily.

Getting myself exposed is dangerous. Kilo thought, then came up with a answer.

"I seen your hair. It's curly, but if you look closer, it's curled like squirrel tails." He claimed his proof right, taking one of her curls and showing Ayla.

She laughed.

That's a behavior of a 5 year old right there. Since they had been through so much, it's probably hard to act like a child. He thought.

Ayla led him behind the crystal, where his old body layed, and they came to a separated cove. Two big curved out chairs were there, while there were more smaller ones. A huge table was there too, probably made by Seissylt.

Are they roleplaying..? It was unlikely, but it could be true. Kilo thought the children would leave the cove, since it might just remind them of him forever.

About him dying.

"Anyways, do you see those two bigger chairs? That's for Suga and Susan. The crystal has a bigger chair though. We are planning to make that chair for Grandpa." She explained wishfully about him and things he had done for her and her other family.

So we are all family. Alya had a really hard time fitting in the group when they first went into hiding, so it was hard for her to call them all family when her actual blood connected family was gone and only Berry.

(Author note: if anybody's is reading this, you must be curious why they are in hiding, but don't worry. Susan and Suga is going to explain.)

Kilo hasn't seen Berry, Ceil, Seissylt, Devon, Raha and Hana all this time.

" Is your group small?" Kilo asked Ayla, for he already knew it was not.

Ayla walked to a smaller chair and sat down, it specifically having a curved out name of Ayla there.

She smiled, and put her head in her hands. "We do have a bigger group, but most of them is out hunting. Maybe rabbits. It's delicious. Fish was something.. I don't know about that.. goose is my favourite." She added, clearly wanting to talk about food now.

"Ayla! Ayla, are you here?" A voice called, sounding distant but Kilo knew this voice well.

Suga came inside. With Oaka, Ray, China, and Seren in the back.

He blinked, then spread his wings defensively when he saw Kilo.

"Who are you?" He asked, calm but the tone of warning creeped at the edge of his voice.

Kilo took a defensive stance, flicking his tail here and there, keeping perfect balance.

He already knew if there were strangers, Suga wouldn't hesitate to attack. Even if it's a 6 year old boy.

"I-i'm Kilo," he replied, not wanting to hurt on of the children he basically raised.

"Suga! Suga, it's ok. It's the same person Azula found and told you about." China said behind Suga.

Pushing her way through, he blocked Kilo with her small but good, strong wings. "It's ok, Suga. I forgot to tell about how he woke up. Err..." She said, clearly embarrassed by being distracted with a puddle.

Suga hesitated, and let down his wings slowly. "Ok... If your sure about this, China."

Ray, on the other hand, brought in a stack lunged on his back, now he stared reproachively at Kilo as he settled it down.

Slowly ruffling his long brown hair, he looked at Oaka. "Where's Seissylt and Ceil?" He asked, and Oaka, who usually likes playing worker boy, bowed mockingly and said, "probably taking care of the babies. Or babes, as Grandpa called them."


"Gathering herbs."

"Ahh, Azula?" Azula was always Oakas weakness of keeping his disrespectful act up.

"I.." Oaka froze, unable to remember where Azula was. Standing straight up, he put on a respectful tone, timeingly calm. "He can be anywhere. But his now favorite place is here, so he is maybe in the crystal cave."

Ray took the stack from his back and placed it on the table.

"Ayla, can you cook these? You always loved cooking and helped Grandpa. Oh, with Araceli too." He said upon turning to the young girl.

"Ok.. Ray. Oaka, can you get me Araceli? And call the rest down here too. I think China broke through the wall again, so we need to..." Her voice faded as she walked away with Oaka trailing after her.

Errand boy, Kilo thought, amused at Oaka trailing after a 5 year old when he's 7.

China left with them, probably going to splash in puddles again.

Now, it was only Suga, Ray, and Seren left. They turned to eachother in the awkward silence, Seren's face looking ready to laugh for no reason.

Kilo has no idea what to talk about, then he got a idea. A idea to let him build trust with them.

"Come along and sit, please." Kilo bowed and beckoned experiencely with his white tail to the two biggest chairs.

His white hair hanged and was all in his face, hiding the expression of mixed emotions in his purple eyes.

Suga gone first, then Seren went to sit to a smaller chair next to his. The two sat down, but Ray clearly didn't trust Kilo, because Kilo couldn't hear a third set of footsteps leading a a chair.

Kilo half opened his eyes and stared accordingly at the stubborn boy, his face blank and hiding the mixed emotions well.

"What's your name?" Kilo already knew, but he just had to do this.

Ray tossed his hair and shifted his stubborn expression, happiness flooding into his eyes.

"My name is Ray Crestwood!" He announced dramatically, making Suga swiftly facepalm himself. Kilo smiled. Bingo.

"Sir Ray Crestwood~~~~ can you please sit down?" He asked nicely and politely, getting Rays full attention and he spread open his wings excitedly. His brown hair covered his ears, but Kilo could see he was pleased with he intense twitching and pleasure of the feathers.

"Of-of course! I will gladly sit down!" His voice was squeaky, but he didn't seem to notice has he quickly went and sat down on Seren's left side.


Suga looked impressed by how quickly Ray obeyed the new boy. He would mostly be stubborned forever before Ceil gets into the story.

Just angry at the same time because he gave in so easily. Hiding wasn't normal, even if they were far away from here.

"Ray, are you proud of yourself?" Suga hissed at Ray, who was flexing and cleaning out his face feathers.

"Huh?" He asked, surprised showing in his dark brown eyes. "Well, yea. I'm pretty good. Well, not for being all this and that.."

Suga and Seren exchanged glances. They both agreed Ray sounded strongly of 'material girl,' and person created that word and said they were from another world back in the city village a long time ago.

Suga obviously remembered it was when he was about one years old, and the person was in friendly outcome until leaving.

After that, their city village was attacked 24/7.

Now, he was always suspicious of new strangers, but this one didn't seem alarming. This pure white head was still standing there, not in a bowed position now, but looked like he was waiting for the other people to come.

Suga thought that this new person was going to make things interesting and fun to laugh at.