Unexpected chance to become Stronger!

Kilo was mindfully sitting, minutes pasted away quickly as he waited for the stranger who brought him to just come and get him again.

Flicking his tail back and forth slowly, his attention wasn't on Slave Seller, or the stranger that brought him.

It was on if the children is going to try to save him, because that's no good, or if they understood that he literally sacrificed himself to get Berry out of there, and he for sure doesn't want someone else getting caught like him.

Then my sacrifice will just be all in vain. I wouldn't be mad at them, but I will be mad at myself for not really leaving a note. Then he thought that through again, sitting back in his slave cell, hanging from the speaker again, and thought that was just plain stupid to begin with.

I couldn't predict whether or not I was going to get caught! How can I warn them and say, 'o my goodness gracious sake me oh my, don't come and find my my lovely darlings, I'm literally going to get caught in the most unexpected net, and I'm sacrificingyself since Berry was slow- uh- Berry was caught off guard! Now I'm going to be sold and I don't want you too. Bye bye, don't look for me.

-Kilo who's your actual Grandpa, Ravan.

Kilo found that incredibly much stupid, so he changed the subject on his mind to Berry's health.

Looking back to the fight, I thought I heard sizzling. Dang. Poor grass underneath Berry's wrist. No, I think some of the bushes leaves were caught on fire. I wonder why that halo reacted so much, like what?

Kilo thought poorly about it, even though the problem was him.

Then he started hanging from the medium sized speaker from his tail, and flapped his dirty wings mindfully.

If someone hangs themselve, then just say 'hang in there buddy.' Kilo joked and started swinging around.

"HUH- oh. I thought he escaped! Well, he's just hanging about." Slave Seller's voice came to Kilo's ear, and he looked down at the bars to his cell to see a different masked person and Slave Seller.

"Oh, ok. Is he problematic?" The new masked person asked, and Kilo analyzed him.

He was brown skinned, tall, had chestnut hair too, and was wearing a suit. Black shoes looking fancy and a suitcase hanged from his hand lazily.

The mask was white, and had tiger stripes of red all over it. A feather was connected too.

My feather. Kilo stared at it confused.

That's my feather, and it's pure white. Did someone wash it!? Ew!!

Kilo faked gagged, and Slave Seller looked at him in concern.

"Come here." He glistered his finger instead of his hand like the first time they met.

Oh, I will do the same, don't worry. Kilo smiled slyly said responded with a "Come here." Mocking Slave Seller's tone.

"Come here.." Slave Seller closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened it again, waiting.

"Oh me oh my, my goodness gracious sake something else I forgot! You just got mad there, didn't you?" Kilo teased.

"Why do you act like that? You got captured! So easily! Now you're carefree!" 

Kilo shrugged, then smiled sympathetically. "I'm not even acting like my normal self, ok? I'm acting like Azula. That one loves to actually make people mad then joke all the time." Then, he swung wildly.

[Players have arrived!]

Even the new masked man jumped a little, and Slave Seller fell down to the floor.

What…? Kilo stared at the box that popped out right in his face, shocked and confused. 

Unintentionally, his tail unwrapped and he fell to the floor, catching himself before he could see his life flashing with blinding white lights keeping it company.

[Now, this world is a npc's world!]

[It is now called: Unity]

[Scanning for gods and goddesses…]

[There are 20 main gods and goddesses! There are 5 Demigods! All of the Demigods are weak!]

[Temples for the goddess [Opak, goddess of curses], [Kissa, goddess of deceit and vengeance], [Madam, goddess of victory],[Lusa, goddess of animals], [Jara, goddess of beauty], and [Gaia, goddess of space and magic], are being destroyed and rebuilt as spawns for players!]

[The rest of the gods and goddesses have not been revealed, only 3 gods, called [Cait, god of pure holy power], [Umai, god of Skilled Leadership], and [Unknown, god of nothingness and darkness], is revealed!]

Who forgot to name themselves? Kilo wanted to say out loud, but he had no idea how to.


[Players: People or humans from a different world comes to your world by a portal with a gadget!]

[Npcs: Non player characters, like you guys! You have a tag over your head that bears your real name, which is only visible to you can the player!]

[System: a new panel in this world which players can access! For npcs, it is a rare chance getting the panel or find potions in higher class Diseases to bath in!]

[Players are going to spawn in at dawn's break tomorrow morning]

[Amount of rare npcs… including the 5 Demigods, 10 others have awakened!]

Kilo jerked away when it kept repeating 'Demigod.' I actually had no idea what a Demigod was, and it's basically half god?

"Wait.. I-I have a panel!" A voice cried out in shock and joy. Masked man wasn't reacting to at, just looking up at the ceiling.

"Uhm.. can you see my tag?" He asked Slave Seller nervously.

{Hi! You are a Demigod.} 

{I'm System. You have a panel!}

{Your father has given you a chance to become like him. All 5 of you have a chance! Your father doesn't care about you though, just because he gave you this chance.}

Kilo never tried to even find this body's father, so he never cared about that. He swiped at the panel, his hands landing on nothing but air.

{You have levels, right now, your lacking a lot of levels.}

{ Some players with try to hunt you down as they get more stronger, and be careful, there's something dark about some of them.}

{You can't delay any longer, the gods have allowed humans into this world for a reason, and they can't wait until your 30 before you can make yourself full demigod and have the chance to become stronger.}

{ The Diseases are getting more stronger than the gods had originally planned. Unknown made them for fun, but soon disappeared and they had gone real rampant.}

{Opak couldn't control that, curses and Diseases are not the same. So one of you have to become a god or goddess of something to stop it.}

{Message: Unknown is staring at you in disgust!}

Why is this one looking at me? I thought he disappeared? Kilo didn't want to interact with any of the gods or goddesses, but did want to know about how to get stronger.

Ignoring Masked man asking him about if he could see his tag, Kilo read the other things that looked important.

{Just think about a panel looking like this, then you can get it!}

Uh.. umm.. panel.. dark purple, strangely like my eyes.. yes yes..

Another panel popped up at his side, and Kilo rolled away.

"Uhm, are you seeing something? Sky creature? Hello?"

I can't expose that.. whoops..

Crawling back, Kilo looked at the strange thing called panel.


Name: Kilo (Starjak)

Age: 8 

Level: 1 

Species: Demigod. 

[How to start: Click Here to start your leveling up to get stronger!]

(A question you've been wondering about: No, there was never a tribe Starjak belonged to, he lived alone with lots of knowledge already.) ]

" Original name.. Starjak? Huh.. um. This is weird." Kilo murmured.

I'm to used to Kilo, so Starjak is this body's original name. Actual name. The name of the boy. Uh.. Kilo shook his head.

"Hey, boy! What are you looking at?" Slave Seller was sitting up on the floor now, recovering from the strange shock, and was staring at Kilo suspiciously.

"I asked the same thing." Masked man nodded towards Slave Seller and rubbed his hands.

"I'm not looking at anything, I'm staring at the wall." Kilo said stupidly.

They looked like they didn't believe it, and Kilo serectly click the place where the panel said to click.


Kilo felt a huge force, and he fell to the floor, extremely sleepy, and stared at the two people looking at him in shocked.