73. Melted Cheese

"The road to success is always under construction." — Lily Tomlin

As Paul and Holly approached the Lunathel main square, Paul was skeptical about meeting this stranger who had messaged him promising large amounts of money to help them improve in fighting. 

He was not exactly sure how the woman had gotten to know about his fighting skills, but it was not too strange; he had dueled in the open and beaten people much higher level than him, as well as being in a clip where three people killed 14 in a slaughter.

The person he was meeting had not tempted him with the large amount of money they had offered him to teach, but he had decided to meet her for the simple reason that getting acquainted with rich players who were willing to throw money around was good.

Even as someone who had grown to despise large guilds and the prominent fake friendships, it was still essential to get to know and befriend important people.