100. Meeting Death

"The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realization demands very great struggle." – Swami Sivananda

As Paul walked away from the strange meeting with Sarai, he was somewhat annoyed; the woman treated almost nothing seriously and liked to act in an infuriating way.

She also seemed to think he was either asexual or homosexual since he showed no interest in their party members, but the truth was different. 

If there were a hierarchy of love, then in Paul's mind, simple lust for the body would be on the ladder's lowest rung. It would not be non-existent but also not important enough to drive action; above that would be loving someone as a person separate from their physical appearance. 

From his past, he had unfortunately had bad luck with relationships and was much more inclined to look at a woman for their person than lust after any attractive person on the street.