106. Swamp Turned to Graveyard

"A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of themselves and their contribution to praise the skills of others." — Norman Shidle

In a corner of the Fishwort Swamp, a netherkin Nightwalker was invisible under a tree, looking around for players he could ambush while fighting for easy CP. 

Hell Teaser had done many similar things in the past few days and had developed a strategy, honing his timing to perfection for when to ambush players while they were killing monsters for the highest chance at victory. 

He had quickly noticed that players let down their guard, mainly not when the creatures they were fighting were completely dead, but after they had thinned the herd and reduced the danger to a minimal level. 

Ambushing, or ganking as many players term it, is not a new playstyle. It's a popular way for singular players to play in PvP zones, a strategy many in the gaming community embrace.