~|confession #4 - alcohol makes you do things. bad things, embarrassing things|~

"The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else." ~ Yu Xin


Not caring about the stares that the other staff members subjected her to, Sang Tian walked out of the cafeteria with her head held high. She could not believe that she was hurting over a man like Li Si Han who justified himself cheating on her by claiming that he cheated because of her and for her.

His excuse was just as ridiculous as it can get and Sang Tian couldn't help but berate herself for crying over a man like Li Si Han. Pouring a glass full of iced coffee wasn't enough to quell her anger, Sang Tian felt the urge to hurt Li Si Han physically. She wanted to beat the hell out of him but resisted because she did not want to end up in jail.

She had already received a warning early this morning, that Sang Tian was in no mood to tempt her fate. Furious, she barged inside the lounge and went over to the lockers. Stuffing her lab coat and stethoscope inside the locker, Sang Tian locked it close with a bang and exited the lounge.

Her shift for the day had finished but instead of going back home to take a rest, Sang Tian called up her friends to join her at the new club for a drink or two. She had an evening shift tomorrow so it was fine if she got drunk a little. And to be honest, she really needed some alcohol in her system to forget about the stupid excuse that Li Si Han gave her to justify his act.

The 1BHK apartment that she lived in was a 10 minutes' drive from the hospital. When she told her family about her new resident arrangements and the rent that she would be paying for her new accommodation, they ended up purchasing the whole apartment building in her name.

So now, Sang Tian wasn't paying rent, she was earning rent. This arrangement made it very convenient for her to join two apartments on the top floor and keep more of her stuff there.

After getting the thumbs up of agreement from her friends, Sang Tian made a quick stop at her apartment to get dressed for her night out. She picked out a bodycon, black colored, square neck, ruched dress with full sleeves and paired it with silver rhinestone, ankle length stiletto boots.

Letting her hair loose, she wore butterfly dangling earrings and slid a charm bracelet on her wrist. Putting her cell phone, lipstick, her cards, and a few tissues in her sparkling rhinestone clutch, Sang Tian walked out of her apartment ready to get drunk and dance her anger out.


The Blue Notes was an exclusive nightclub that catered to the famous, rich, and obscenely rich for a party until the crack of dawn. The nightclub has two full-service bars, a gourmet kitchen, a dance floor that spans about twelve thousand square feet, a designated gaming area, and various-sized lounges for private parties.

When Sang Tian arrived, Dylan and Yu Xin were already there waiting for her while Chen Qiang was running a bit late. The three friends walked inside the nightclub after showing their exclusive membership cards and went over to their designated, private booth. As they waited for Chen Qiang to join them, they ordered the first round of drinks along with a couple of appetizers.

"So," Dylan began while taking a sip of his drink, "what did he do?" he asked while looking at Sang Tian with raised brows.

Rolling her eyes, Sang Tian popped a cherry in her mouth before taking a sip of her drink. She leaned back on the leather couch that she was seated on as she answered Dylan's question with a question of her own, "Would you believe me if I told you that that jerk cheated on me because he wanted to give me a good life?"

Dylan frowned in confusion while Yu Xin choked on her shot of drink, "Excuse me." he exclaimed and passed on some tissues to Yu Xin.

"Oh, yeah!" Sang Tian let out a mirthless chuckle, "Apparently Alina offered him the position of the head of the department in exchange for having sex with her and after batting off her advances multiple times he finally caved in only because of the money that comes with his new position."

"He emphasized how he and I were both middle class and had a load of loans to pay back. It was his way of trying to sustain the lifestyle that he is used to and wished to provide to me." explained Sang Tian and she was met with a scoff from Yu Xin and a "What the fuck?!" from Dylan.

"Does my earlier suggestion about dealing with this piece of shit seem more tempting now?" Yu Xin was talking about her previously suggested idea of hiring someone to deal with Li Si Han.

"No!" both Sang Tian and Dylan exclaimed in unison, "Inu, calm down a little girl. With this rate that you are going on in life, we will soon have to hire a criminal lawyer for you." commented Dylan making Sang Tian chuckle and Yu Xin pout.

"But to be honest," Sang Tian tilted her head sideways to look at Yu Xin, "when I poured that iced coffee over him, I was tempted to break that glass over his head as well." taking a large sip of her drink, Sang Tian then picked up a slice of lime and placed it in her mouth sucking on it.

"I can't believe I wasted one and a half years of my life on him!" exclaimed Sang Tian, "I even refused that minister's hot son for that jerk! Ahhh!" Yu Xin and Dylan came over to pat Sang Tian on either of her shoulders as she cried at the missed opportunity.

"There are still many fish in the sea." Yu Xin waved her hand as if gesturing at the vast sea, "You are single now so you are free to go out fishing and hook up with any fish of your choice." she added earning a nod of approval and agreement from Dylan.

Sand Tian looked hopeful for a moment but then she deflated like a balloon, "But considering my dating history, I am bound to fail again."

Over the years since Sang Tian began dating she only suffered bad luck. Her first boyfriend fell in love with another girl, the second one turned out to be a criminal, the third one was gay, the fourth one became a monk, and the fifth one, that is Li Si Han, cheated on her.

Dylan and Yu Xin winced and looked at each other waiting for the other to speak, "Aaahh!" Sang Tian cried and drank another shot of the alcoholic drink, "I am doomed!" she announced before taking another shot.

Feeling miserable because of the bad luck shrouding her love life, Sang Tian continued to down one shot after the other. Dylan and Yu Xin tried to keep her from getting too drunk but Sang Tian was unstoppable. 

"Hhhoooo!" Sang Tian let out a hoot as she smacked her empty glass on the table, "Oh, this feels gooood." she drawled and slid onto the couch in an almost lying down position only to jump back into a sitting position with a loud, "Whoop!" with her arms raised above her head.

"I wanna go dancing." she announced before looking over to Dylan and Yu Xin in the eyes and asking them, "Let's go dancing!"

She stood up and began tugging her friends along to step up on the dance floor. It was kinda Sang Tian's thing; usually, people dance when they are happy but Sang Tian dances to not only express her happiness but her anger, nervousness, and excitement as well. And right now she was angry, furious because Li Si Han cheated and gave her a ridiculous excuse to justify that. She was even mad at herself for loving a man like Li Si Han and crying for him. 

Giving into Sang Tian's demands, her two friends joined her on the dance floor dancing along to the tunes of the blaring, pop music. About 16 minutes into dancing, Sang Tian's eyes fell on a man who was standing at the edge of the upper floor, his one hand was in the pocket of the formal trousers that he wore while the other rested on the metal railing.

Sang Tian's gaze zoned in on him for dressed in a crisp three-piece suit, the man stood out from the glamorously dressed crowd at the club. The psychedelic lighting seemed to create a kind of halo around the man and Sang Tian just could not look away. 

As if he could feel her burning gaze, the man shifted his gaze over to where she was standing and connected with hers. Their eyes connected and for a minute Sang Tian could see nothing else, hear nothing, and feel nothing. All of her concentration was fixated on the man standing on the upper floor.

She noticed his lips curl into a smirk before he broke their eye contact. It felt like an invitation and Sang Tian was reminded of what Yu Xin had said about other fish in the sea. Making her way out of the dancing crowd, Sang Tian followed the man. It was a reckless and bold move but all the alcohol she had consumed drowned her sense of rationality.

Exiting the dance floor, Sang Tian followed the man out. He was walking in front of her with two other men on either of his side and probably had no idea that he was being followed.

"Hey, you!" Sang Tian called out loudly, her voice slurring a little bit, "Stop right there."

Hearing her, the three men stopped in their tracks and turned around. Sang Tian's eyes sparkled, her smile widened and her cheeks turned pink as her eyes feasted over the beauties in front of her.

The three men were exceptionally handsome. They were like masterpieces that the almighty God crafted with utmost care and to perfection. The man on the left was dressed in a black leather outfit while the one on the right had a patterned shirt that he had paired with ripped jeans. 

And though those two looked just as sexy and attractive there was something about the well-suited man standing in the middle that held her interest. Ignoring everything else, Sang Tian made her way to her gorgeous man but stumbled on her heeled boots and ended up falling over him.

"Hic. Thanks." she hiccupped before bursting into giggles, her hands roaming over his arms. His muscular arms.

Giggling, she leaned closer to the man ignoring the amused glances of his companions, and asked, "Did it hurt?"

"What?" one word and she could hear amusement dripping from his tone.

Clutching the fabric of his suit jacket, Sang Tian leaned in closer and whispered, "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

His friends burst into peals of laughter while he simply stared at her with raised brows and wide eyes.

Not waiting for his answer, Sang Tian pulled back and stared at him from up to down and then back up before wrapping her arms loosely around his waist. She played with the lapel of his jacket as she said, "You know, on a scale from 1 to 10 -"

The laughter around her seemed to fade as she continued, "You are a 9 and I am the 1 you need." and then they burst out laughing again.

She glanced over to where the two men were huddled together laughing hard and then back up to the man she was flirting with. Pouting, she pointed at his friends while looking into his eyes and exclaimed, "They are mean!" before resting her forehead on his chest.

He was tall, she noted.

Even with her heels on she still could not reach his shoulder. He was warm and smelled really good. Sang Tian could not help herself, she closed her eyes and hugged him tightly, "You smell nice." she nuzzled his chest and added, "Really nice."

"There she is!" her hazy mind registered Dylan's loud voice before she blacked out in the arms of the gorgeous stranger.