~|confession #7 - sometimes you don't run away from problems, you invite them|~

"I had always wondered who are these people who rather than solving the current problem at hand, end up involving themselves in a much bigger crisis. And then I did the same." ~ Dr. Sang Tian *hiding her face in shame*



After having breakfast with Yu Xin, Sang Tian went to her apartment to freshen up and sleep for a while. She warned Yu Xin to not pull a stunt like that again before leaving the restaurant. 

Once at her apartment, Sang Tian took off her shoes and walked over to her closet. She pulled out a pair of mint green colored, satin shorts and the matching spaghetti strap top. She then went to the washroom to take a relaxing bath before going to bed.

Sang Tian filled the bathtub with warm water and added a bedtime therapy bath bomb. The last few hours were extremely stressful and Sang Tian needed the lavender and chamomile goodness to help her relax.

She removed her clothes and stuffed them into the laundry basket before stepping into the bathtub. Stretching her legs, Sang Tian let out a deep sigh as she immersed herself in the warm, fragrant water.

As she lay there, she could not help but muse about how her relatively peaceful life had become so chaotic in just a few days. It was tiring and Sang Tian disliked being like this. Closing her eyes, Sang Tian tried to distract her mind from her troubles and relax. She wondered how long it would take for things to settle down.

A sigh of contentment escaped her lips as the calming lavender fragrance filled her senses dulling the stress and the soreness in her muscles.

Alina would be gone sooner or later and so will be Li Si Han. The only thing that she needs to do is to have that meeting with the Zhang family and say no. She hoped that would be enough for both grandfathers and that the topic of her marriage with Zhang Ri Shan wouldn't be brought up again.


Later that evening, when Sang Tian was back at the hospital for her shift where she was informed about how eventful the day had been. Apparently, an urgent meeting of the board was organized and the members of the disciplinary committee were a part of it as well. 

The meeting was held to decide how to deal with the "Alina-Li Si Han" situation. After the events of last evening, there was no denying the rumors that were going around the hospital for so long. People weren't fools nor were they blind to not have noticed what was going on between Alina and Li Si Han.

Everybody knew but they had no substantial proof until the altercation yesterday evening. As Sang Tian had believed, Mr. Jiang Chen was a man of integrity and he did the right thing by raising the concern with the board of directors and the disciplinary committee.

According to the rumor mill, Alina was fired from her position and Mr. Jiang Chen immediately filed for a divorce. Li Si Han, on the other hand, was retained and not removed from his position because, unlike Alina, he did not abuse his position and power as a general surgeon. Also, he was one of the best general surgeons at the hospital and it would be a waste to let such a talent go.

But he still had to face the repercussions of his actions and as a form of punishment, the opportunity to become the head of department was taken away from him. He could never be promoted and if he were to leave the hospital and resign then he was free to do so.

Sang Tian chose not to partake in any gossip and continued doing her work. She was discussing the treatment plans for her two patients with the attending doctor and the primary surgeons who were going to operate on the two young patients when her cell phone rang informing her of a call from her mother.

Instead of answering the call, Sang Tian responded with a quick message.


Will call you later.

Apologizing for the interruption, Sang Tian went back to explaining her findings and the treatment plan that she deemed would be perfect for either of the patients.


"Hey, Mom!" greeted Sang Tian. The meeting with the doctors had just concluded and Sang Tian was left alone in the lounge area to organize the surgery schedule.

"Hi, sweetie." her mother greeted back, "Is now a good time to talk?" she asked.

Sang Tian nodded her head in positive as she responded, "Yeah, Mom. I was in a meeting before, that's why couldn't answer your call earlier." she explained, "So, what's up?"

"Well, I just wanted to confirm that you are coming home this weekend, right? Or do you have something important scheduled?" asked Luo Lan, Sang Tian's mother.

"Nothing's scheduled for the moment but something urgent may come up." Sang Tian sighed tiredly, "But yeah, I will be home for the weekend. Do you have something else planned?"

"Actually, your grandfather called." and Sang Tian knew that it was about her marriage alliance with Zhang Ri Shan. Her grandfather's friend's grandson was in love with someone else and was at the moment locked up in his own room.

"Your grandfather has arranged for a family lunch meeting at the Sea Dragon Manor this Sunday. The Zhang family will be there with their grandson Zhang Ri Shan, the boy they want you to get married to." informed Luo Lan.

Sang Tian pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. Qin Lan's face flashed in her mind. She was tempted to tell her mother about Qin Lan and Zhang Ri Shan's relationship but she refrained from doing so.

If she were to tell her mother about Zhang Ri Shan being in a relationship, then her mother would obviously tell her grandfather about it. And if he gets to know about it then his friend, Grandfather Zhang would also be made aware of the fact that Sang Tian knows.

Sang Tian did not want to alert Grandfather Zhang because she didn't want to make things more difficult for the poor couple. After all the old man who can have his grandson (who is of marriageable age) locked up inside his room with no way of communication as if he was a prisoner, he could do anything to make it worse.

That's why Sang Tian decided that it was best to just go there and say no and if anybody decided to force her in any way then she would tell them she has someone she likes. But poor Sang Tian didn't know that his choice was going to make her life more problematic.


Dressed in a tea-length, periwinkle colored skirt that she had paired with a simple white blouse, Sang Tian was seated on the large dining table along with her parents and her grandfather while Zhang Ri Shan sat opposite her with his parents and his grandparents.

Zhang Ri Shan looked absolutely livid. Sang Tian could see smoke coming out of his ears. He clearly looked like he did not want to be there and be a part of this potential arranged marriage discussion date.

Both sets of parents weren't happy and welcoming looking either. It was only their grandfathers who were jovially chatting at the table reminiscing about their old times.

With the elders present at the table, Sang Tian could not confirm Qin Lan's claims with Zhang Ri Shan but that was not her problem. She was here to say no and by the looks of it, Zhang Ri Shan wanted the same thing as her.

"We should let the kids talk privately." added Zhang Ri Shan's grandmother. She placed her hand on her husband's arm and continued, "After all it is them who are supposed to get married."

"What private thing is there to talk about?" said Grandfather Zhang in a mocking tone, "There is nothing that they can't talk about in front of us." he laughed it off but agreed when Sang Tian's grandfather urged him to let her and Zhang Ri Shan talk in private.

The old man then called the waiter and asked him to arrange for a separate table for two. Before Sang Tian and Zhang Ri Shan were to leave the table she noticed Grandfather Zhang glare at his grandson as if silently communicating a warning.

Sang Tian fought the urge to roll her eyes and followed Zhang Ri Shan to their new table, "Tell me that Qin Lan was right and that you do not wish to marry me." she whispered-yelled to him.

"Yes." was Zhang Ri Shan's quick response and he relaxed visibly. "My grandfather is extremely strict and orthodox. I tried, believe me, I tried to say no but he completely disregarded my opinion and ignored me. If he hadn't threatened Qin Lan and our son I would have eloped with her long ago."

From the corner of her eye, Sang Tian could see Grandfather Zhang looking at them, "Don't worry." she said, "I don't want to marry you either. I came here to say no as well."

"Thank you so much!" Zhang Ri Shan sighed in relief and gave her a smile of gratitude. "I may not be able to persuade him anytime soon but if this alliance, this promise gets canceled then I may have a better chance than I have right now."

"I understand."

The two of them kept talking about random things as they were served lunch separately from the family. Once they were done, Sang Tian and Zhang Ri Shan made their way back to the family table and sat in their previously occupied seats.

"So what do you think? Should we set the date for May this year or December?" asked Grandfather Zhang pretending for it to be a joke but he did not fool Sang Tian.

"Actually, neither." And everybody's eyes were on her. The stares caused panic to rise within her. She turned towards her grandfather and added, "I came here because you wanted me to but I don't want to marry him." confessed Sang Tian nervously. 

"But why? Did you not like Ri Shan?" her grandfather asked, "You don't have to get married this year or the next. We can wait."

She didn't want to hurt her grandfather's feelings and also not put Qin Lan and her son in danger by telling them the truth so she decided to lie.

"Actually I like someone else." she replied hastily before she could overthink it.

Grandfather Sang frowned as he asked, "Who?" while Grandfather Zhang was glaring at Zhang Ri Shan and giving her glances of suspicion.

It's -" before she could complete her sentence she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"It is indeed you." 

Sang Tian turned around and noticed a handsomely dressed man. He was dressed in a branded three-piece suit whose fit clearly showed that it was custom-made for him. His voice and his face both were very familiar to her but Sang Tian could not pinpoint where she had met him or interacted with him.

"Hi!" exclaimed Sang Tian, a little apprehensive. 

The man smirked at her paying no attention to the other occupants of the table, "That night you dropped your bracelet during our little struggle."

Sang Tian's eyes widened in horror and she realized who this man could be. Seeing realization dawn upon her, the man continued, "It is at my place. You can come to collect it later." he spoke eyeing the others at the table.


She wondered if he knew what they were talking about before he made an entrance because his choice of words indicated the exact thing that Sang Tian was going to take advantage of.

This was certainly a bad decision that was definitely going to come back and bite her in the ass but the situation was such that Sang Tian had to make the choice.

"Honey!" masking her panic with her over-the-top sweet expressions, Sang Tian stood up from her seat and went to stand in front of the unknown but familiar man.

With a courage that sparked from God knows where Sang Tian wrapped her arms around the man's waist and looked up at him apologetically and with a coy smile playing on her lips, "I told you I was going to decline this proposal. You didn't have to come here."

Sang Tian chose to ignore the gasps and murmurs and chose to focus on the man in front of her. She tried to communicate to him through her expressions but the way the man stared back at her Sang Tian knew that she had dug herself a much larger hole.

Oh no!

This was bad.

This was very, very bad.