~|confession #18 - karma is real|~

"When you lie, momentarily you forget about the repercussions you may have to face in the future. Just because you forget about it, doesn't mean that Karma does too. And my Karma came in the form of Fang Haoran. ~ Dr. Sang Tian 


Sang Tian walked out of the restaurant in anger at the events that had just transpired. She had thought, assumed to be precise, that Fang Haoran was her friend. But that man only helped her because he wanted to realize his own hidden agenda.

It was her fault to assume that someone in this selfish and practical world would help her out just for the sake of it. She owed him big time, agreed. He helped her out of the mess that she had created and she wouldn't have minded doing him a favor or helping him in one way or the other. But marriage?!

She was so not going to get married to a man just because he helped her out. That was no reason to get married. She had only met him a few times, she knew nothing about him, the only facts that she knew about him were from that stupid notebook in which he had penned down his answers to the questions on the list that she and her friends had made compiling all the questions that her grandfather could ask.

All she knew about him were random facts and not something that would help her understand who Fang Haoran actually was, and what situations and experiences made him the man that he is today. Just a few hours ago she was of the opinion that Fang Haoran was her friend and now those few hours have changed her perception of him.

Isn't that an example valid enough to prove that she doesn't truly know the man. Then how can he expect her to bind herself to him for life in a sacred bond that is marriage?!

His request was ridiculous and the way he presented himself in front of her today was just as ridiculous, if not more. Fang Haoran threatened her and that was something that Sang Tian was not going to tolerate.

"You want to tell Grandpa the truth, hhmm." she muttered to herself as she sat inside her car, her actions rough because of the anger that she was feeling at the moment.

"Go tell him and see if I care!" she grumbled and drove away. She didn't even get to finish her dinner and it was cut short because of Fang Haoran's stupid demand.

Damn him!

Sang Tian was mad and she was hangry! Instead of stopping at some other restaurant, he decided to get her food home delivered. She called her favorite local restaurant and ordered for herself a variety of dishes that would not only sate her sate her hunger but also help with the anger that was rushing through her system.

The drive back home did nothing to soothe her irritation. Once she was at her apartment, Sang Tian roughly tugged off her clothes and shoes, and got dressed in her night clothes as she waited for her food to be delivered.

Making use of the time that she had, Sang Tian took out a permanent black marker from the drawer of her desk and wrote Fang Haoran's name on her pillow. She sketched his stupid smug face on the pillow as well before starting to let her frustrations out on that pillow imagining him to be the man himself.

"You bloody, bloody fool!" she exclaimed as she hit the pillow repeatedly, "Who do you think I am, huh?!" holding the pillow from its edges she slammed it against the headboard of her bed, "Do you think that just because you helped me and I talked to you nicely that I would fall on your feet and agree to marry you!"

"Ha! You jerk!" she slapped the pillow and punched it a few times as well, "I will not marry you! Not today," getting off the bed, she picked up pillow Fang Haoran and slammed it against the wall, "not tomorrow," repeating her actions, she yelled, "never ever!" and she did it again.

After a few more slaps, slams, and punches, the poor pillow gave up and ripped apart into feathery, cotton pieces like snow falling from the sky.

The pillow fight helped ease the anger that Sang Tian was feeling towards Fang Haoran. She plopped down on her bed recalling Fang Haoran's threat of exposing her lies in front of her grandfather. Instead of feeling afraid, Sang Tian actually felt slightly relieved.

Lying was a lot of work and the more she lied, the bigger the mess would be for her to handle. She shouldn't have lied about it, she should have told her family the truth and the reason why she lied at the restaurant in front of the Zhang family.

One day or the other, sooner or later, she would have to tell her family the truth. So why not now? Sang Tian decided to not wait for Fang Haoran to make the move and tell the truth to her grandfather.

Sang Tian decided to go and meet her grandfather after her shift at the hospital tomorrow and tell him everything. He would be upset with her, yes but she would do her best to pacify him.

Later that night, after having her dinner, Snag Tian was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes when a certain moment from the eventful dinner flashed in front of her eyes.

"You really don't want to see what lengths I can go to get what I want." Fang Haoran had said.

A chill ran up her spine causing her to shiver and she recalled the menacing and determined look in his eyes that was an indication enough that it wasn't an idle threat.

But what could he possibly do to get her to marry him?


The next day when Sang Tian arrived at the hospital for her shift she was greeted by Gu Nan Zhou first thing in the morning. "Hey!" she smiled. 

"So a little birdie told me about the romantic dinner date that my brother took you on." he teased but instead of blushing, Sang Tian's eyes widened slightly in horror. She wondered if that little birdie was Fang Haoran himself.

Seeing the look on her face, Gu Nan Zhou could not contain the chuckle that escaped his lips, "Don't worry! I am not here to ask you for details because that would be just gross." 

"I am here to tell you that both of us have been assigned to work with Dr. Bai on an Esophageal Surgery. Here's the copy of the case file." Gu Nan Zhou handed her a file, "The surgery is going to happen the day after tomorrow and Dr. Bai has asked for a meeting at 2 in the afternoon to discuss the procedure and our roles during the surgery."

"Okay." Sang Tian opened the file to check who the patient was on whom they were going to operate, "Thanks!" she exclaimed without looking up from the file.

Gu Nan Zhou nodded in acknowledgment before walking away while Sang Tian made her way to the lounge to keep her stuff in the locker and get her lab coat. She was focused on the file in her hand as she walked and ended up colliding with someone.

She stumbled and could have fallen if the other person had not supported her, "I am sorry." she said first, "And thank you." she raised her head to look at the person she had collided with and the smile of her lips faltered when she noticed that it was Li Si Han who was holding her.

She flinched instinctively, not completely recovered from their last reaction. Without saying another word, Sang Tian walked past him and did not look back.

The rest of the day went fortunately uneventful and Sang Tian didn't see Li Si Han again. Once at work, she got so engrossed in it that she totally forgot about the threats that Fang Haoran had made last night. But she remembered that she had decided to meet up with her grandfather to tell him the truth.

So after her shift ended, Sang Tian drove herself to her grandfather's place. Once there, she was greeted by Aunt Shu and her grandfather's butler, Uncle Wang at the main door. Instead of greeting her like they usually do with a smile on their faces, both Aunt Shu and Uncle Wang had stoic expressions on their faces and they looked rather upset.

Sang Tian felt her stomach drop. She wondered if Fang Haoran came before her and did what he said he would do. Oh, God!

"Aunt Shu -" Sang Tian tried to initiate a conversation as they walked towards the southern courtyard but Aunt Shu simply cut her off and said, "We should hurry and not make Sir wait for longer."

Sang Tian gulped down hard and steeled herself to face her grandfather's wrath. The silent walk to the southern courtyard felt like a pressure test to check if she would fight or flee. But Sang Tian was brave enough to handle this. She made it through it and courageously went inside the chamber to see her grandfather.

As she walked towards where her grandfather was seated, she realized that her grandfather was not alone. There was another man with him, his back facing her, and they were playing a game of Go.

"Grandpa." she called and her grandfather's gaze moved from the board to her face and in an instant his gaze hardened.

"Hello, darling!"

The familiar tone and drawl of the endearment caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand alerting her of the presence of the man she was dreading.

There he was. Sitting on the chair opposite to her grandfather, staring at her with that irritating smirk on his face and glee shining in his eyes. 

There he was, dressed in another fitted three piece suit.

Stupid Fang Haoran.