~|confession #85 - it just happened, yeah. do not ask anything!|~

"Okay, now listen to me! What I did was purely because I felt bad for Fang Haoran. There was no other reason for me to walk up to someone and just start messing up with them. I just did because I was upset on my husband's behalf! There is no other reason so do not think otherwise!" ~ Dr. Sang Tian *smiling politely*

"You are Fang Haoran's wife?" ~ Top Actress Xiao Rou *still in shock that Fang Haoran got married and that his wife seems to love him*


Sang Tian had a hard time controlling her laughter when Xiao Rou came out wearing that gown that she had worn on her wedding day. It was not the exact same gown but just another piece among the few that were manufactured. She had planned on being petty and make negative comments about Xiao Rou's choice but she could not call this dress bad, now could she?