~|confession #90 - there are things you just cannot change, they are bound to happen no matter what you do|~

"You know after all that happened with me so far, I have realized this one thing. No matter how much you want to, no matter how much you try, you cannot change what is bound to happen. Fixed points in life, you see. I did not want to marry Fang Haoran, but I had to because this was a fixed point. I didn't think that I would be attracted towards him, but in the such a short time I developed this physical attraction for him. All this happened because it was supposed to happen but what concerns me, is what is going to happen next?" ~ Dr. Sang Tian *unable to sleep*


While Sang Tian continued to scold him for making her swallow that bitter chocolate concoction that he had made, Fang Haoran could not move his gaze away from her lips. The traces of chocolate on her lips and around the corner of her mouth somehow became his sole focus.