~|confession #108 - aawwiiee! i could not believe that he could be this cute too!|~

"Why? I did not know why was this happening to me?! I am not bragging but I have always gotten what I wanted, every plan that I made had always been a success, I have never failed at anything that I set my mind onto. But this! Trying to initiate intimacy with my wife has seemingly become more difficult than everything else that I have dealt with in my life! Though I do not want to ask but, you do not think that I am not good at this, right?" ~ Fang Haoran *questioning his life and choices*


That evening, Fang Haoran returned home earlier than usual with Cheng Xian accompanying him. The two men then went to kitchen and Fang Haoran told the maids and servants to go back to their quarters because he wanted to be all alone with his wife. But he also did not want anybody to snitch on him and let Sang Tian know that the food that he "cooked" was the food that he actually did not cook.