Chapter Twelve



"Good afternoon Roxanne, I didn't see you this morning, where were you?" Mara asked, startling me. I had finished my work later than I had expected, for Mr. Edward's rest office was filled with cobwebs and dust signifying the fact that it was rarely used. It didn't only signify that it was rarely used, it also signified that I had to work extra hard to help the room come out of its dusty and cobweb trap.

"I had come earlier than the stipulated time, and had done my assigned duty. Where have you been?" I said before questioning her whereabout. Of course I didn't need to ask, for obviously she was at her duty post.

"I was cleaning my assigned office" She said taking out a seat to sit. We sat opposite each other and a giant table was the only object that seperated us. We the cleaners had a large office to rest and stay in. This office was just as beautiful as every office in the company. It was painted green, a color I detested a lot.

"I haven't seen Tarella for the past three days. Is she alright? She asked

My thought flew down to Tarella, my good friend. Was she alright?

"I don't know, I haven't seen her too. Do you have her contact address" I asked stupidly. Certainly, Mara wouldn't have Tarella's contact for she barely spoke to her or about her.

She shook her head positing the fact that she had not seen Tarella for a while.

"But what could be wrong? Was she sick?" I wondered out loud, taking a look at Mara as she had picked up a novel to read.

She shrugged and sucked in her lower lips "Maybe she's on a leave, you know we're just one week old in this company" She said laying much emphasis on the "one week old"

"I don't think so! If she was going for a leave, she would have atleast informed me. I last spoke to her on Tuesday, she didn't seem like someone that was about to disappear on a leave" I said not giving a chance for the thought of Tarella on a leave to harbor on.

Mara sighed and responded "Don't be too worked up on this. I'm sure Tarella just took a break or something came up, she'll be back before you know it"

I sighed too, and picked out a pen and book to scribble on

"Why?" She asked, referring to the book that was sprawled lazily in front of me.

"I just want to make a to-do list. I'll love to pay Tarella a visit, so I'm penning it down for easy remembrance". I replied , already getting down to business

Mara gave a confused look "And how do you suppose to get the address?" She asked puzzledly

"I think I'll have to break my "No-discussion-with-Dera" rule, coz I'll surely need her help"

"Tell me your joking" She said, giving out a light laugh

"I'm dead serious. I need to truly get in touch with Tarella, she could be going through a lot" I defended, not the least deterred by her unbelieve.

She closed her novel and finally gave her full attention; she had on her questioning face.

"What you're saying is that, you're ready to go through hell in order to help a friend that's equally going through hell"

I smiled "Sometimes, what people need is just for you to show them you care. I truly care about Tarella she is a nice woman" I said reclining my back on the chair. The chair was soft and comfy. It was unbelievable to find such a therapeutic office chair in a cleaning unit or room.

"Look Roxanne, you need to relax. Tarella is okay and you need to stop jumping into conclusions; anyway it isn't much of my business"

"What do you mean it's none of your business? Tarella is our friend, we owe her our care and support" I said, petrified at what Mara had said

She dropped her novel aside, putting on a ready-to-defend-myself look

"I didn't say it was none of my business, I said it wasn't much of my business, and that's true. I barely know Tarella, she can't quickly fit in as my friend so cut me some slack." And as an afterthought she added "And I don't owe her my care and support".

"But I thought we were friends"

"Of course we are, we spend time together but Tarella has only spent her time with the likes of Dera and Selena. Remember we've only known Tarell for two days" She continued

I frowned at the last statement she made "we don't need to know people for a long time before we can help them" I chipped in smartly

"But you certainly need to know a person quite well before you pay a visit to the person's home. You have to atleast have some amount of trust for the person, if not you might be walking into danger" She responded, abandoning her novel

My frown deepened. Was Tarella capable of harm? I shook my head, not wanting to believe that she could be the least harmful.

I began my disapproval with the shake of my head

"No!! Tarella is nice and I can vouch for her honesty"

Mara quietly picked her novel up, signifying an end to the conversation.


Again, Roxanne had pushed my jealousy button. She had started feeding the lion in me with jealous anger. What was with the sky blue gown? Didn't she know that she'll be drop dead gorgeous in it? Infact why did she stop putting on her ankle length gown? Was she trying to seduce the CEO? I wondered angrily. The fact that she didn't bother to greet not spare a glance at me added fuel to the burning fire in me. Something needed to be done again. I cursed my failed attempts on dulling her extravagant beauty. Atleast I had succeeded in hiding how bright she was academically, but it seemed that alone wasn't enough. She looked more angelic everyday, thus always making me angry.

Maybe I should truly consider killing her at once. She was posing more threats than I ever imagined.