Chapter Twenty-four



How did he manage to come out from such a heavy furnace unhurt? How could they both be alright? My brain swelled up in anger at the thought of Roxanne being among the living. Everything was now in a disorganized state. I decided to act fast, not giving room for Edward's triumph to last.

My boys brought out their van from the hideout in the forest, ready to begin the journey to the West. The Van had always been parked there, in order not to be easily tracked down. We began executing the plan almost at the same time Edward fixated Roxanne into the ambulance.

The other boys had taken care to use the short route to the main road to place the horizontal nails-on-a-plank, on the road, to bring the racing ambulance to an abrupt halt.

Ready with a chloroform-filled tank, we set out of the van, after halting the ambulance. Did they think they could get away with my priced blacklisted victim?