chapter 7

Hello there, Author kun here. This chapter has some boring parts. You can easily skip them as they are between {} so feel free to skip them.


We were looking at each other's eyes.

"Hanami it's okay. I am happy that you like me. But I think we are moving things a bit too fast."

" No, no sempai. Don't worry about it so much. I will comfort you."

She unzipped my bottom. My big dick popped out. She was looking at it like she had never seen a dick before. Then I remember she said she is a virgin tho.

"Wow, it's so big."

She licked my cock slowly. Then she came up and kissed me on my cheek. then slowly she went for lips. Our lips touched. She was very passionate while kissing. "Ah sempai sempai sempai~" "I love you I love you sempai"

I don't know what to do anymore. she hugged me so tightly.

"Am I not good enough? Do you only see me as a kid?"

"Ha ha ha what are you saying? How can I see an adult as a kid? Do kids have this? " I grabbed her breast and pressed it slowly.

"Ah sempai" She hugged me again and this time she hid her face in my chest. Maybe she was embarrassed.

She slowly undressed me. Then she came under my blanket. her body was so warm.


"It's okay sempai you don't have to answer my confession. You don't have to even like me back just let me have a chance. A chance to make you fall for me."

That's it. Fuck everything. "Hanami I like you too."


"Yes, you are cute. Your twin tails are cute like a cat. Your eyes are so damn beautiful. You are very charming. Always smiling. Always trying to keep up with people. Everything is so attractive. How can I not fall for you?"

...but is it okay? I mean she is out of my league..."I need you to have more confidence. This is the first thing I want you to achieve" Miyuki's words were ringing in my mind. ... that's right I need to be confident. It doesn't matter if I am worthy or not. The only thing that matters is that she loves me.

"Come closer," I said. She came closer. I hugged her. I licked her ears

"Ahhh sempai." She gave out a cute moan.

She kissed me and I kissed her back.

"Miyuki stick out your tongue," I said.

"L-li thif(like this?)?"

I took her tongue inside my mouth and started to suck it. We were kissing. It tests like cherry. Then I started to lick her armpits. And then I suck her boobs.

"He~ he~ you are looking like a baby now sempai."

I sucked her boobs harder." ah AH sempai"

"sempai you have a condom with you right?"

"no, I don't. who knew we would be doing this."

"I can't blame you sempai can you please bring my bag from the table to me? I have 2 boxes"

she took out a condom and warped it on my dick.

"Now can you please promise me you would be gentle? It's my first time. So please be gentle."

I gently put my dick inside her. it was so tight. and it feels different than when I did it with Miyuki.

I slowly moved my hips. "ah sempai. it hurts" "It will become better just give me a moment"

I was trying to go as gentle as possible. it felt damn good.

"sempai it hurts so much" she was crying.

I slowly touch her vagina. "ah sempai that felt good"

I was rubbing my finger on her vagina while pounding my dick inside her. After some time she became used to it. and was moaning so cutely

I begin to push harder. "sampai I guess I am gonna cum"

"go ahead my beloved kohai cum as much as you want."

she came so much.

"did you enjoy it?"

"sempai it was amazing. sex is so great."

wow now if I think about it. the same thing I said when I had sex for the first time.

"hanami I am not done yet. I know it will be hard for you just give me a blowjob."

"sorry sampai I will give you a blowjob today. I don't think I can have sex today anymore." she gave me a blow job and I cum on her face.

"That was great sempai."

📳"ping" my phone got a notification

It was from Miyuki.

[Miyuki<{hey sexy boy why didn't you contact?? Are you going to ignore me or what? I thought we were buddies and I wanted to help you.}

{Hey there. I'm sorry I was busy with my business trip. I will come back in 3 days. I will come to visit you after that.}>me

Miyuki:<{Ah I see sorry for being mad for nothing. By the way here is a book for you. Collect this book from your local library. Good luck.

Book: "55 way to gain power by Robert Turt"}]

...A book huh? Let's see what you have for me...

The next day I collected that book.


The book is all about how to manipulate others and get rid of being manipulated. The book also warns that those techniques are very toxic and think twice before using them. Great power comes with great responsibility. Whatever. The first thing they teach is gaslighting. The thing is simple you just have to be a good liar. Deny things that happened and then it will make the victim lose self-esteem and self-confidence. And that is what a manipulator wants. He wants to destroy the victim's self-esteem. So to defend against any manipulation you need to build self-esteem.

Rule 2 to gaslight someone you need to call them names. Like 'you are very selfish' After that they will think that they are selfish or at least they will change their behavior. If they have self-esteem then all we need to do is break that. And by calling them those non-extreme names we can destroy their self-esteem.

Then we need to make a fake reality. Do something and after a long time passes tell the victim that you didn't do it instead it was the victim who did it.

The more they are broken the less time it takes to manipulate them.

And when they are completely broken they will believe whatever you do.

The next technique is projecting.

This is where the manipulator does crime and then projects them onto the victim. Like if your spouse is cheating on you he/she will always suspect you of cheating. By doing this you will always be busy proving yourself innocent. And then you will never think that they were cheating on you.

Then there is another toxic one which is called positive enforcement. This is where the manipulator gives you compliments for doing something they want.

The worst part is when they treat you with a lot of compliments at the beginning. And then when you get used to it they will suddenly stop giving you compliments. Even they may say rude things all of a sudden. Then you will try your best to get them like you again. And then after some period, they will start to give you compliments again. And then it goes on and on.


After that, I feel tired. I think I am a victim of most of them. My wife does the last technique most. But now I know what I need to do. I will destroy those bitches.


Hello there, author kun here. I am going to take a break for 1-2 days. Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying my work. I am going out to get some inspiration to progress. This chapter has some boring parts. You can easily skip them as they are between {} so feel free to skip them. Cheers.

[End of the chapter.]