chapter 8.5

It was a lovely day. I got to meet my sweet brother. He was just as kind as he has always been to me. Today is the best day of this month for me. I always feel so sad for my lovely brother. He always put everyone else before him. He always thinks very low of himself. That is what I hate about him. I am such a fool. I think he will hate me now. I can't be honest with my feelings for him. Whenever I see his smiling face, I feel nervous that I end up saying mean things to him. And today a jerk was there. He called my onichan his servant. How dare he. I should have slapped his ugly face. But my brother was being too nice towards him. Maybe he is my brother's boss? It can't go on. I have to help my brother.

[📺: welcome to evening news. I am Aiko Yamato. There is ....]

Huh~ that is the bitch who married my brother. She is such a bitch. She doesn't take good care of my brother. If I were his wife, I would have made him the happiest. He~hehe-hehehe.

[Some day later]

Huh~~ I am feeling so tired 😫. College is such a pain these days.

"Hey Yamato San."

I looked back.

"Good evening Yamamora kun."


Yamamora Shinji:

Age: 21 years old.


Role: college student, Ayumi's classmate. He has a crush on Ayumi.

Hair color: blue, short hair

Body type:slim.


Always puts on a fake smile whenever he talks with someone.


"Are you going home now?"

"Yes, I am. Today's class was really tiring."

"I know right? how about we go get some drink together."

"Sorry, I have to pass. I don't drink."

"Oh, I see. It's no problem. How about a 🍜 ramen then?"

"I guess I can go then"

I was hungry. Maybe I should take his offer.

We went to a ramen shop and took our sit.

"So how is it going? I mean how are you doing with your courses"

" I am doing fine. But I hate our English course teacher."

" I know right? He always acts like he is better than all Because he is an English teacher."

" That's exactly what I am talking about."

" So I heard that you are living alone."

" I am. I came from the rural side"

" I also heard you have a brother who lives here."

I was shocked. I didn't tell anyone else that I have a brother who lives here. The only person in college who knows about this is Sayori. Sayori is my best friend who was also my childhood friend. She and I used to go to the same high school and middle school in our village. I told her to keep it a secret.

"How did you--"

"Ah sorry, I just found out about it from Sayori. She and I are drinking buddies "

I see now. She spilled it out when she was drunk.

"Why do you live alone then? You can live with your brother right?"

" Mm-my brother is married and so I don't want to bother them."

" I see. I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

He doesn't look like a bad person. But I gotta be careful.

" Unno[excuse me] Yamamora kun -"

"I know don't worry. I don't speak about other people's secrets. Your secret is safe. ( I will keep my mouth shut)"

" Arigato (thanks) Yamamora kun"

After that, I was going back home

" It's become dark. Are you okay going home alone?"

" Ah don't worry I will be okay. Thanks for today Yamamora Kun. See you at college."

"Yeah later."

I was walking back to my house. ...huh~ I gotta take a cold bath. It's really hot today...

I was passing my brother's house. But the strange thing is there was a black car in front of his house. ...who could be coming to his house now?...

Suddenly I saw Aiko, the bitch who married my brother come out of the car. And then a blonde guy came out. And they started to kiss. ... Huh isn't that the same guy who was hitting on me the other day? Is my brother doing okay? I think his wife is having an affair. I gotta talk to him about this...

I felt very sad for my brother. He destroyed his whole life for that woman. And that woman didn't even have sex with him. Instead, she is having an affair??

I came home and took a cold shower. I dried my hair. And then I was thinking about how kind my brother is. Why does he have to be the one who suffers? I hate it the most. And he is not even replying to my text. Was it okay to inform him about the affair??

Will he hate me now?

I was panicking. Suddenly my phone rang

[Dear-onni<{thanks for informing me, Ayumi. Please don't worry about it. I will manage everything. Have a nice day. And please focus on your college. Thanks for worrying about me.}

Me<{don't misunderstand things baka(fool) oni. I was just making fun of you. Worried about you? Why would I worry about a loser virgin 😝}]

Finally, he responded. I felt so relieved. He doesn't hate me. I should take that chance and make him fall for me instead. As his stupid wife is just having an affair with him the best way to save him now is to make him fall in love with me instead and make him forget all about that stupid bitch.


[chapter 8.5 end]