chapter 10

Everyone was enjoying it. those people are lucky. they can get along with anybody. and here I am sitting alone drinking a nonalcoholic juice because I can't even handle alcohol.

"you said your name is Aiko right? you are pretty cute."

"Y-Yes. Thank you."

"I am Suskay Yagami. I am a business starter. the CEO of this small company."

"I see nice."

"what do you do?"

"I am looking for a college graduate. doing some job hunting here and there."

"I see. Why aren't you drinking? here let me pour you some."

"ah no no, please. I am not good with alcohol."

"it's fine it's fine. you can drink alcohol little by little." oh no he won't listen to me. I hate it.

"Please stop it."

"why are you so stubborn? Don't you want to enjoy it here? you are the only one who is ruining the fun for everyone."

he was about to pour wine into my glass but suddenly one guy grabbed his hand.

"hello there sir."

"hello why are you grabbing my hand" he gently made a handshake with him.

"I was trying to introduce myself to you, sir."

"I see. ok i am Suskay Yagami. nice to meet you."

"I am Takashi Yamato. nice to meet you too. the lady over there wanted to talk with you. She asked me to tell you this." he pointed his hand to a hot lady.

"oh! Oh, thank you, sir. Enjoy your night gentleman"

"sure sir."

then he offered me a hand." hey I think you are not enjoying here. I am also not enjoying myself. how about we get out of here? "

"Ah. Y-yes. " I grabbed his hand and got out of the mixer party. We came out and were walking on the way.

"Sorry, rude behavior of mine. I am Takashi Yamato an office employee. I work for this company. I am also not good with alcoholic drinks. I avoid those. But I got drugged by my coworker and I couldn't refuse

"Ah, thanks for earlier. I am Aiko Hoshima."

" Ah, I see. Is your home this direction?"

" Yes."

" My home is this direction too. Let's walk home together if you don't mind."

" Sure. But how about we Go eat in a cafe? "

" Sure why not? As I also didn't eat much at that party. "

We went to a cafe and ate food. He was the most kind guy I have ever seen. He was so nice to me. I got an interest in him. And the strange part was that he wasn't even after my number. In the end, we parted ways. So I figured that I had to make the move.

"Um- can we exchange numbers?"

"Sure if it's okay with you."

We exchanged our number then we parted ways.

He was a great guy. We met a couple of times. We went on a couple of dates. Then we got married. I was the one who confessed. I got my job as a news anchor. We were living happily. My husband was very supportive to me. I was easily able to do my job and he took care of our  home and also was doing his office work . He is the definition of  a perfect husband. But there was a problem in our relationship. That is we couldn't have sex. He tried to have sex with me but the thing is his thing was soooo big. It just scares me. And whenever he tries to insert it on me, I just feel So much pain. I couldn't handle it. And he stops immediately. He said it's fine. He told me to tell him whenever I am ready to have sex with him. He was really an understanding husband.

Then he took me to a dinner party at his office.

I wore a beautiful dress and he wore a tuxedo. He looked great on it. Really I think he is handsome when he stays silent.

"Here Aiko comes here. Let me introduce you to all of my coworkers. I am very proud to have you as my wife. I want to tell everyone." He said with a bright smile on his face.

" Ah, you are making me blush"

" This is my supervisor, Fujiwara San"

" Nice to meet you sir I am Aiko Yamato. His wife. "

" Nice to meet you. He always bragged about his wife. And it turned out he wasn't lying. You really have a beautiful wife Yamato Kun. "

" Thanks sir. "

" And this is my coworker. His name is Ryuji  Nakamura. Nakamura Kun, meet my wife Aiko Yamato."

" Nice to meet you Mrs Yamato. I am a huge fan of yours. I see you at tv news. I am the sob of the president of this company. Nice to meet you." He was smiling at me. And also he looked kinda fimiler. Wait Nakamura. It didn't take long to recognize him. He was a kohai in my highschool. He used to confess me everyday. And I turned him down everytime. But he didn't was so stubborn. Then after I graduated I don't see him anymore. But what is he doing here?

"H-hello I am Aiko Yamato. I am happy that you watch me on tv."

Then we met many people from there.

" Honey can you wait here? I gotta talk with my supervisor for a moment. "

" Sure honey take your time. "

I was waiting and drinking.

" So you are doing good sempai. "

I looked in the direction from where that voice came. It was Ryuji Nakamura. "Nakamura Kun."

"Don't tell me you forgot about me."

"No I remembered you . You were a junior in my high school."

"Yes. Then why did you act like you don't know me? Is it because of Yamato? "

" I just don't want to get involved with you that's all. "

" So you are saying you will ignore me after what you did to me"

" I didn't do anything Nakamura Kun. I always said no to all of your confessions in school days. But you came over and over. "

" It's fine now. Can I get your number."

" Sorry I can't do that. I am married. And it won't be a good idea to keep in touch with you. "

" Honey I am back I guess we can go home now honey. " Takashi came suddenly and I got so scared. I thought he listened to everything and I hugged him so tightly. He was so embarrassed.

"Honey is everything okay?"

"I want to go home honey."

"Sure let's go honey." We got home. I took a shower and hugged him again.

I shouldn't get involved with that stupid guy Nakamura. I have a happy life now. I don't want to ruin it. Takashi values me so much. Takashi pated my head. " Did you feel uncomfortable today? Sorry honey I should have considered your feelings more."

" No it's not your fault honey. Can you kiss me?" He got closer to me and then kissed me. Then we hugged each other.

I don't want to lose this happiness. Next day I was free but takashi had to go so I made him a lunch and said good bye.

I was about to go and watch some TV but suddenly doorbell rang. I looked through the door eye hole. It was Nakamura Ryuji.

I opened the door. " What do you want?"

" Hello sempai. I just wanted to see you."