
Chapter 8: The underground Paradise City

Thing2 rubbed his hand on junior's back in a reassuring manner.

"shh, it's alright junior don't cry ." He soothed throwing a glare at Jikad.

"H-he,he touched my bumbum" Junior sniffled. A gasp was heard from a few people passing by who gave Jikad disapproving glares.

"W-wait I didn't do it on purpose" Jikad shook his head frantically trying to explain himself.

"Hey wacko! apologize for touching junior's bumbum." Thing2 barked.

A small crowd had already gathered around as the onlookers could not help but come closer.

"I'm sorry." Jikad was feeling more pressure by the relentless gazes. It seemed that all he ever did in this place was apologize.

"Hey move it! You're blocking the way."

An angry voice shouted from behind them. It was a fat merchant carrying a heavy bag on his back.

Thing2 grudgingly continued up the stairs but made sure to keep a considerable distance between junior and Jikad. Flicking his fingers from his eyes to Jikad in a motion that said 'I'm watching you.'

Jikad didn't have time to clear up the misunderstanding since other people were already pushing and urging them to move forward. This time Jikad made sure to carefully watch his step until they got to the first floor.

The first floor was less crowded as compared to the ground floor. Still,there were people moving about from place to place. on each side of the stall were a line of what seemed to be restaurant. The smell of fries filled the air . Jikad's empty stomach felt even emptier as the delicious smell of food filled his nostrils.

There were banners advertising each kind of food that each restaurant owned. Jikad's mouth watered as different kinds of delicious smells wafted through the air. But his joy was short-lived.

His hopes of having a meal were crushed when they were led down the hall without a single sign of stopping.

They approached another flight of stairs at the end that ascended to the second floor.This floor was even less crowded than the first one. It was also lined with restaurant but unlike the previous floor,these ones seemed to be in a slightly better condition. Without stopping at any of them,they were led down the huge hallway to another flight of stairs.

The third floor was just like the second one only slightly better. Even the banners at the entrance of the restaurants seemed to be of better conditions. Again without any stops they were led to a flight of stairs at the end and climbed to the fourth floor.

Jikad's legs ached as he pulled himself from one stair to the other. They had been climbing up stairs and travelling down the large hallways without any breaks. It didn't help that he was starving and his hands were tied up.

This one was different from the previous floor, other than it had better conditions.

The smell of alcohol was also evident in the air. Jikad also noticed that even the people on this floor were better dressed than those on previous floors. It was also quieter and more deserted. Jikad was greatfull for that since bumping into people in his already exhausted body was actual torture. They only came across about five people as they headed down the floor.

Jikad was panting from exhaustion and quietly cursed the person who made the torturously huge staircases.

'Did the builders of this place have a competition to see who could make the most gruesome stairs or what ' He glanced at Garam to see if he was also suffering.

Garam's face did not betray any sign of exhaustion making Jikad wonder if he was even human at all. But Jikad noticed Garam's parted lips let out fast short breathes as they went up the flight of stairs. This offered Jikad a bit of relief to see he wasn't the only one having a hard time.

'Please no more stairs! my legs are going to fall off ' Jikad legs burned in protest as he pulled himself up the last stair to the fifth floor. Jikad wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead with his forearms since his hands were bound.

Luckily as if his prayers had been answered they headed for the other side of the hall. The entrance had a finely crafted banner that read


Jikad frowned at the sign on the entrance since it sounded more like a train station than a bar/ tavern. Upon entering, it looked like how Jikad would expect a club to look like..in the eighteenth century that is.

There were rounded tables and wooden chairs but not a single customer in sight. The entire place looked like it was crafted from mahogany. Small windows on the walls overlooked the crowded street below.

The attendant looked more like a bodyguard than a receptionist. Jikad was no longer surprised by the hospital huge size of people he met. He had come to a conclusion that people in this place probably ate bears for breakfast.

The bulky attendant was busy wiping the table at the bar and lifted his eyes as the bell jingled at the entrance.

"Welcome -" His gruff voice suddenly stopped.

He seemed to immediately recognize thing1 and 2 as his eyes lit up in familiarity.

" Hey Flat and Junior!" His voice rang out in laughter. Thing 2(Flat) removed a wooded square from his pocket sliding it to the attendant. His bald head contorted into what Jikad assumed was supposed to be a smile,or a poor attempt of one.

Jikad noticed that the wooden square had a capital 'G' craftly engraved on it and what seemed like a seal above it.

The huge attendant picked it up inspecting it for a moment. His hooded eyes looked over to Jikad,Garam and the lady who had also been quietly following along. A knowing smile tugged at his lips as his eyes lingered for a moment longer on Jikad and Garam.

"Fresh meat eh?" He drawled as he leaned down to reach for something behind the bar table.

"I better drop by the Lotus cave soon" He flashed Jikad a smile that sent cold shivers down his spine.

Also the phrase 'fresh meat' left a nasty taste in Jikad's mouth. The attendant emerged from behind the counter with a hammer and a wooden nail. They followed him to the back of the bar where two door appeared next to each other. A small hole was on the side of each door.

Jikad thought they looked like elevator doors and his thoughts were confirmed when the one on the left opened to reveal a small cubical room. Two torches at the back of it provided light and there were also railings which thing1(junior ) and thing2 (Flat) held on to.

'So they don't have cars but they have elevators huh?'

They had all entered in the elevator apart from the attendant. He fixed the wooden nail in the small opening next to the door.


He swung the hammer slamming the nail in. In the same time a rapid clinking noise was heard and before Jikad could even figure out what was happening,the elevator suddenly dropped as if it was falling through the floor.


Jikad lost his balance and fell on his knees as the cubical room quickly descended through the various floor. The torches at the back flickered with the intensity of the drop.


The room finally came to a stop as dust collected at their feet.

"Erg-" Jikad felt nauseous. 'What kind of lunatic made such an elevator. There is no way that is safe to ride in'

Staggering to his feet Jikad realized that Garam and the lady they were with were also on the floor. They all struggled to get on their feet as Junior opened the doors.

Fighting off the dizziness Jikad stepped out to the entirely different scenary.

An underground city sprawled Infront of their eyes. Jikad couldn't help but widen his eyes in awe. Red lanterns were hanging from the caven roofs giving the place a reddish hue. It reminded Jikad of the chinese festival he had attended a few years back.

Infront of them was a street that joined into other streets forming a webbed connection of transport. Buildings that were as high as three story's adorned each side of the streets. Banners of lantern crossed from one building to another illuminating the streets vibrant colors.

Laughter and joyful chatter was prominent in the air. The buildings were amply decorated with colorful banners and curtains on some. As they started on the first street Jikad could read the various signs at the entrance of buildings,and they were a bit....strange.

'Sherlock Hoes' (?)

' The Cum-and-Go'

' The watchful cocks'

' The Butt Hut'

'The Throbbin' wood'

They entered another street and the entrance signs there were even weirder.

'Sperminator Salvation'

' Whorey Potter'

' Thrust and Bust'

' The Twink Tank'

' Bang-cock thighland '

Jikad was slowly realizing the kind of place this was.On the balconies of these buildings were skimpily dressed women who were calling on to passersby on the streets below.

Catcalling strangers and flashing them parts of their body....Jikad was now convinced of what kind of place this was.

With titles like 'Worrisome testicles ' it was impossible not to. Even if he couldn't read, the catcalling women would have made it clear what this place was. An underground brothel district.

But the question now was,why were they brought to this place? Jikad did not have a good feeling about it.

'"fresh meat huh?" He recalled the attendant's words. Jikad's stomach churned for another reason other than hunger. The streets were filled with people going on about the brothels. Some of the men hand a beautiful girl stuck to their side. and those who didn't reeked of alcohol.

Some men were openly staring at Jikad's group with lustful gazes lingering on him,Garam and the lady. Their shameless gazes prickled Jikad's skin making him feel dirty.

The reality of Jikad's situation hit him like a bucket of ice-cold water.His breath caught in his throat as his heart rate increased. 'No fucking way!'

He thought anxiously as his eyes flickered from the practically drooling strangers to Flat and Junior.

Jikad thought of escaping but Flat's piercing gaze seemed to have caught on to his intentions. His eyes narrowed warningly at Jikad who was already looking around in search of an escape root. Jikad flinched at the intensity of the glare he was receiving from Flat and decided to put off his escape plans until they arrived at their destination.

After what seemed like an endless walk meandering through the streets, they finally approached a building with a huge sign that read 'THE BOOBY TRAP '.

Despite the rather...unique name,the inside was much better than what Jikad expected. The ground floor looked like a tavern area with female waitresses dressed in what see through short dresses that barely covered their asses.

At the reception was an old lady that looked like a lizard. She was smoking from a pipe which she would then cough after a few puffs.

Her wrinkly face seemed to be stuck in a permanent scowl that only deepened when she spotted the approaching group