
Chapter 12: Meet the blooms

Jikad shrugged in response.

"Woah " Glory wanted to ask more about Jikad's background. Of course he did. He was itching with curiosity,these newcomers were way more interesting than he'd expected. But before he could ask any more he was suddenly interrupted

"Where is everyone?" Garam asked. Glory was caught off guard by Garam more than the question. Garam who had previously seemed disinterested in engaging in any or all conversation was suddenly curious.

Unlike his inquiry,his face didn't show any sign of interest in the matter at all.

'Is he trying to change the topic? ' Glory glanced between the two boys and wondered if they were close. It seemed like Garam didn't want him to inquire more about Jikad's background.'But why?'

"They are preparing meals and baths for the higher level blooms."

He decided to go along with it. If Garam didn't want Glory asking more about Jikad,he figured that it was for a reason. Being a bloom for two years had taught him to pick up on such signs.

'So first level blooms are practically slaves for the higher levels.'Jikad thought.

"But they should be almost done by now. I'm sure word has already spread about the new blooms arriving."

'and I'm sure you're part of the reason why that word spread.'

"They must be curious.Be prepared to be bombarded with all sorts of attention after dinner." Glory said excitedly.

"That sounds exhausting." Jikad said flatly.

"Is this my bed from now on?"

Glory nodded and lightly patted the bed he was sitting on.

"And this one belongs to you Garam." He didn't get much of a response from the pretty brown haired boy. He had already gotten used to it by now.

After a short awkward pause,Glory got to his feet and cleared his throat.

"Anyways..,I'll leave you two to rest for now since it's your first day." He started walking down the hall before he paused adding " I'll come and get you once dinner is ready." He said before leaving.

Jikad lay on his back on the bed and closed his eyes. Garam was still seated next to him on the bed. He watched Jikad shift uncomfortably for a few minutes. Jikad turned to the left side for the fifth time before he sat up groaning in frustration.

"What kind of bed is this! it's as hard as a board."

"It is?" Garam thought the bed was just fine.

"Yeah. How do they expect us to sleep on these things. And why the hell are these pillows so freaking hard."

Jikad complained.

"The blankets are way too thin are they trying to make us pneumonic?" Jikad dragged his feet to the side of the bed propping his elbows on his knees.

"We have to get out of here." Jikad said in a serious tone.

Garam stared at Jikad for a moment.

"You're hurt." He stated.

"It's not that serious." Jikad brushed it off "I can still walk."

" you're hurt." Garam relented. It was times like this that Jikad was taken aback by how stubborn Garam could be.

Even when they met the bandits in that dingy street. He had simply apologized when Taker(bandit leader) had asked them to. But he drew the line when they were forced to kneel. Jikad couldn't tell if he was just fearless or suicidal. But he knew that once Garam didn't want to do something there was no use in trying to force him to. He wouldn't budge.

Some might find him difficult to understand with how little he spoke. but Jikad had finally discovered a translation to Garam's words.

"You're hurt(the first time)" — means—Postpone your spy activities until you feel better.

"You're hurt (the second time)" — means— You can barely walk stop arguing.

Jikad sighed in defeat.

"Fine. But the moment I get better were leaving."

"mm" Garam nodded in response.


" Hey! stop pushing " A sharp whisper came from the other side of the wall.

"Ssh! lower you're voice you idiot."

"I can't see anything "

"oww! you stepped on my finger."

"quit whining and lift me a little higher"

More rustling sounds and grunts were heard. Jikad and Garam stared at the direction all the hushed commotion was coming from.

It was a nearby window a few meters from their beds. Even though the voices were low,one could tell they were male. An hour had passed ever since Glory had left them alone in the dorm. They were still the only ones there,well other than the intruders trying to peek through the window. A set of fingers had latched on the window panes though their owner was not yet visible.

"Can you see the angels?"

"ugh ! no lift me higher"

"hurry my arms hurt"

More grunting was heard then eventually a blonde head emerged peering into the room. A pair of striking golden eyes scanned the room. The boy had short blonde hair that was styled in a pixy hair cut.

His eyes searched briefly before they landed on Jikad and Garam who were currently staring back at him.His eyes widened in shock before he lost his balance stumbling backwards.

"They saw me whoa-!" He gasped followed by a few shrieks from his fellow intruders.


It seemed that all the intruders had fallen as multiple groans of pain could be heard from the other side.

"*Gasp what do we do? they already saw me" the blonde pixy voice was heard asking.

"ssh!" Another whisper reprimanded him.

" Should we run?"

"What's the use of they already know we're here?"

A rustling noise was heard once more as if someone was getting on their feet.

"Let's go say hi."

"Twinkle are you crazy!"

"You said it yourself that they already know we're here."

" Yeah, I want to meet them too. You know we might not get a chance once the second level blooms get a whiff of them." Another voice seemed to agree with 'Twinkle'.

More rustling sounds were heard followed by some light footsteps.

"W-wait, you guys!" A reluctant voice called out to the rest. They paused waiting to hear his opinion.

"What if they really do have connections with Taker?" His voice sounded a little nervous especially the light tremble when he said 'Taker'.

Just the mention of the bandits leader name was enough to shift the mood. There was a stretched silence for a while before someone spoke up.

"Well there's only one way to find out"

"Besides,you don't actually believe everything Glory says do you?" Another voice chimed in.

That seemed to have appeased the reluctant bloom as their footsteps were heard making their way around the dorm towards the entrance.

Jikad had expected them to burst in from the amount of pep talk they'd given each other but that was not the case. Jikad and Garam stared at the entrance expectantly but no one came through it.

"What's the problem? get in." A voice urged from behind the door.

"You go in first " a voice retorted.

"Why should I do it? this was your idea."

"It was Sark's idea to go meet them not mine."

"You got here first so you get in first "

"What kind of logic is that?"

The door rattled.

"Hey! quit pushing."

"Then get in."

"You get in!"

" Hey,let's not fight you guys" A reluctant voice urged.

"Twinkle should get in first. They have already seen his face after all."

" Shut up!"

"What's the point of arguing? They're going to see all our faces eventually so what does it matter who enters first?"

"Then enter."


"pfft! Why bother making that speech if you weren't going to enter first "

" Sark were you trying to sound cool or something pfft-"

"He's trying to impress the newcomers hehe-"

More giggles were heard from the rest of them.

"ugh! Screw you all!" Sark kicked the door open.


The door hit the wall creaking as if it was about to shatter.

Five boys stood at the entrance each wearing the same matching pink and white outfit. It was the same one that Garam and Jikad had on meaning that they were also first level blooms.

Jikad assumed that the brunette at the front was probably Sark. He was a little chubby and noticably shorter than the rest. His hair was styled in a way such that his brown bangs framed his round face. With determination flaring in his eyes, he marched towards them leading the rest. The tiny crowd behind him shuffled together like a herd of cattle in a cold day.

They were whispering cuddled against each other until they arrived to where Jikad and Garam were.

"Woah!" Sark exclaimed raising his eyebrows in awe."You two really are as good looking as Glory described."

Twinkle's blonde head popped from behind Sark his golden eyes shining in curiosity.

"Really? I couldn't see them clearly before. "

"That's because you were busy stepping on my fingers." Another boy snapped from behind them.

"Then you should have held me up properly." Twinkle retorted throwing the brown eyed boy behind him a glare.He had long brown hair that resemble Sark's only his was darker.

The scowl on his face faded away as his eyes landed on Garam and Jikad.

" So these are the angels Glory was talking about." He said stepping ahead.

"Move I want to see them too" A boy pushed past the rest. His hair was a light ginger almost bronze color.

"Woah, Glory really didn't do them enough justice" Said a boy with purple hair.

"I can't believe Glory was actually telling the truth this time." The last boy said.

They stood there openly gawking at Jikad and Garam.

Sark was the first one to break out of the daze. He plopped himself on the opposite bed.

"So where are you guys from?"

"Hey! I wanted to ask them first." Twinkle said also sitting on the opposite bed.

"How old are you two?" The bronze haired one sat near the end of the bed.

"I heard you two are from a rich family is that true?"

"Which one of you is Jukad? I heard he's the rich one." The boy with the long brown hair knelt on the bed the rest were seated.

"Wow you're skin is so pale. What products do you use?" The last boy who was still standing asked . It seemed that his question was directed at Jikad.

"Gasp* and what do you put in your hair to get such curls." The boy with purple hair asked Garam.

"You guys,one question at a time." Sark said lifting his hands to silence the other blooms. "You have green eyes so you must be Jukad right?"

"It's Jikad"

"Oh right, Jikad. Hi, I'm sark " Sark smiled warmly at him.

"Where are you two from?" Twinkle asked.

" I'm from California."

Everyone froze and stared at Jikad .

"Er-what?" The bronze haired one asked .

"Kalifonya?" Twinkle repeated scowling in confusion.

"California" Jikad raised an eyebrow confused ."California USA?" He repeated but they all just stared at him with confused looks on their faces.

"Is that the name of your village?" The one standing asked.

" is it in the south ?"

"Hey I thought he was supposed to be the rich one. How comes he's from a village no one has ever heard of?" A boy with short purple hair whispered to the one with the long brown hair.

"California..." Jikad trailed off realizing his mistake. He had forgotten that he was in entirely new world. So of course they had never heard of California or the US.

But he didn't really know any of the places in this world so he couldn't even lie. So he just stared right back at them. He couldn't exactly tell them that he was from another world until he got sacrificed by his ex girlfriend and woke up in this place. They would think he was insane. The blooms were already whispering to each other.

" We are from Atropos." Garam spoke up breaking the hushed noises.

"Oh you're Garam right, so you're from the west." Sark said recognizing the city mentioned.

"But why did he say that you were from Kalifonya?" Sark's eyes seemed to ask .

"Your names?" Garam inquired in his usual neutral tone.

"Ah we didn't even introduce ourselves" Twinkle gasped before clearing his voice.

"I'll go first. My name is Twinkle."

"Twinkle?" Jikad repeated.

"Yes." Twinkle nodded smiling," Twinkle Deek."

"I'm Sark Mabols"

"I'm Willy stroker" The one with long brown hair said.

"My name is Rod Ryder" The purple haired one said.

"And I'm Rusty Kunt" The last one standing said.

"Are those like..,your street names or something?"

Jikad raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Street names?" Twinkled tilted his head,"No they're our names." He said wondering why Jikad would think they were telling him the names of streets.