"You want me to prove the things I own? Are you crazy?" Wang Jin said in a sarcastic tone.

"Then, it's none of your business!" Someone behind the leader, his voice filled with hatred.

Another criminal came up and pushed Mu Geer. "Hey, get lost, Xiaopozi!"

Mu Geer's leg was already shaky, and the forceful push made him wobble and almost tumble.

Wang Jin looked worried and moved closer to help. His eyes showed a blend of anger and worry.

Brother Mu quickly stood between Wang Jin and the attackers. "Stop before things escalate!"

Three men stared at Wang Jin, partly hidden by Brother Mu. They looked arrogant and amused. The leader smirked and asked, "What if we do?" with a wicked grin on his face.

Mu Geer blushed deeply, his lips trembling as he tried to speak. He was filled with a mix of fear and anger. "You... you can't do this!" he managed to say, his voice shaking.

When Wang Jin saw these men, he remembered the terrible torture the original body had suffered. Each memory hurt him deeply, making him very angry.

The leader, called Brother Ju, saw Wang Jin's reaction and laughed mockingly. "See that? The crazy guy thinks he can challenge us again." He said in a disrespectful tone.

He moved closer, his eyes filled with evil intent. "Come on, hit me, he dared, glancing at his friends. "There are three of us. Do you really think you can win alone? Remember what happened before?"

Wang Jin felt a mix of anger and powerlessness. He remembered how the original person, despite looking tough, was actually weak and got easily defeated. These men had enjoyed hurting him, then twisted the story to make it seem like the original person had gone crazy and attacked them.

Wang Jin was filled with anger and a strong desire for revenge. He longed to have the power and resources he once had as a prince to punish those who had hurt him. His rage was evident in his tightened grip on Mu Geer's arm, leaving deep marks, as his eyes reflected hatred and frustration.

Brother Mu winced in pain and saw Wang Jin in distress, looking like an angry and scared animal. Feeling sorry for him, Brother Mu held Wang Jin's hand, trying to comfort him. He then faced the attackers with anger, saying, "Stop it! Ah Jin is now married to the tribe's top warrior and he is under his protection. If you mess withhim, Brother Heng will punish you severely!"

Hearing this, the group's expressions changed slightly, and they backed off a bit. Seeing this, Brother Mu's eyes brightened a little, and he said loudly, "Give back the things, and I'll act like this never happened. I won't tell Brother Heng. How about that?"

Brother Mu held out his hand to the three of them, expecting Brother Ju to hand over the package.

Brother Ju looked at the package, then at Brother Mu and Wang Jin. He hesitated for a moment but then confidently smirked, saying. "Yuan Heng? Do you really believe he will support this crazy person? You're delusional."

After Brother Ju spoke, the two men with him regained their arrogant attitudes, feeling more confident after their leader disregarded the danger.

Brother Lang, standing on the right, sneered and said. "Brother Heng, the best warrior in our group, doesn't care about this crazy person at all. It's obvious, isn't it?"

Brother Qing on the left agreed, mockingly adding. "Exactly, he didn't even bother to give this crazy person a gift, showing that he doesn't respect him."

Their words were cruel and made Brother Mu furious, saying, "You're talking nonsense! Brother Heng truly cares about Ah Jin!"

Brother Ju confidently approached, sneering as he spoke. "Just because you claim it, doesn't mean it's true! In my opinion, Brother Heng is too good to be linked with someone like him." His expression and eyes clearly showed his disdain towards Wang Jin.

"You're not worth my time." Wang Jin finally spat out, his voice low and dangerous. "But mark my words, your time will come."

Brother Ju and his lackeys laughed. "Big talk from a little lunatic," Brother Ju sneered. "We'll see about that."

Wang Jin's anger exploded, and he shouted. "I'll get back at you!" He kicked Brother Ju hard in the stomach, catching him off guard. Brother Ju bent over in pain, dropping to his knees with a loud cry, looking pale.

"How dare you attack us!" Even though only Brother Ju was hit, the other two men also got furious and charged at Wang Jin as if they were the ones kicked.

Mu Geer rushed in front of Wang Jin to protect him from the attackers. "Stop! Don't hurt him!" The situation became chaotic, and despite Mu Geer's efforts, they had to run away from the attackers. The fight pushed them to the edge of the tribe, far from any help.

Wang Jin felt desperate and scared as he remembered past struggles while facing the current danger, causing his heart to beat faster. Knowing they were isolated without the tribe's help, he became angry and determined.

With a focused look, Wang Jin made a firm decision not to be a victim again. Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself and quickly thought of a plan. As the two men got ready to attack, Wang Jin picked up a stick nearby and used it skillfully to defend himself, shouting. "Stay away!"

The attackers paused, clearly surprised. Wang Jin's boldness caught them off guard, and the look in his eyes made them cautious.

Encouraged by Wang Jin's bravery, Brother Mu stood by his side, ready for a fight. "You have one final opportunity. Go away, or you'll be sorry."

Mu Geer pushed the person coming at him and fought back when he had no way to escape. The three attackers grew angrier and started hitting them fiercer and non-stop.

Brother Mu had a hard time defending himself from the attack, and Wang Jin, who was already hurt, started to feel dizzy and disoriented. He remembered how, in his previous life, he could command hundreds of people effortlessly without having to fight personally.

Caught up in his thoughts, Wang Jin didn't see Brother Ju coming towards him. The collision was sudden and strong, causing him to lose his balance and fall backward uncontrollably.

Mu Geer tried to save Wang Jin as he fell, but someone pushed him too, and they both fell hard to the ground. The three attackers were pleased with themselves.

However, the excitement didn't last long. Brother Lang looked scared when he realized where they were. He whispered to Brother Ju. "Brother Ju, we're at the edge of the tribe."

Brother Ju remained confident and said. "It's okay. We're still in the safe area of the tribe. Orcs watch over this place. They won't harm us. We just needed to show those two a lesson."

Brother Lang held on tighter, his voice shaking. "No, Brother Ju, we're in the farthest part of the tribe... The orcs only come this far. We've gone too far."

The seriousness of the situation hit the other two too. Brother Qing, sounding nervous, asked, "So... are we in a risky area now?"

Brother Lang said, looking very worried. "It's even scarier. I remember there's a big hole close by. We discovered the white jade fruit there, and that's where the huge snake lives..."

Brother Qing looked shocked. "A huge snake... Even if it usually stays inside, if someone falls into that hole..."

Brother Ju started to look scared and said. "Be quiet! If others find out, we might get kicked out. Don't panic."

Brother Lang, sounding uncertain, asked. "What should we do next? We..."

Brother Ju glared at Brother Lang and hushed him, saying, "They might not get hurt. Don't worry." However, deep down, Brother Ju was aware of the dangerous situation they were in, where survival seemed unlikely. Fear began to fill his body.

Brother Lang and Brother Qing were clearly upset, thinking about the worst possible outcomes.

Brother Ju, eager to stay in charge, paused to calm himself. "We need to pretend that we are unaware of the situation..."

Brother Lang and Brother Qing stared at him, confused.

Brother Ju said, "Stop looking worried. Let's pack up and leave like nothing happened. None of us were here today." His voice was firm and commanding.

He opened the stolen package and found white clothes inside. He shared the clothes with the others, kept a set for himself, and quickly started walking, telling the others to come along.

Brother Lang was unsure, feeling guilty and scared. "But... what if something happens to them?"

Brother Ju turned quickly, looking serious. "It's too risky now. If anyone discovers our part in this, we're done. We stay quiet and behave like nothing happened. Understand?"

Brother Lang and Brother Qing looked at each other, feeling guilty under Brother Ju's stern gaze. They reluctantly took their part of the loot and followed him, their footsteps heavy with guilt.

As they walked away, Wang Jin and Mu Geer lay still on the ground, surrounded by the quiet of the forest. The outskirts of the tribe, once comforting, now seemed like a scary unknown place.

Wang Jin slowly woke up from being unconscious. He smelled smoke, which made his breath smell bad. His body hurt when he moved, and he felt pain as he tried to sit up. It was dark, and he couldn't see well.

Suddenly, he saw a pair of big eyes looking at him, like copper bells. He was scared and couldn't speak. Fear took over, and he moved back quickly, feeling his heart beating fast.

The man saw a huge snake coming towards him. It was much larger than him, and its tongue smelled really bad, making him feel very scared. Wang Jin was so frightened that he couldn't even move.

"Ah Jin? Can you hear me?" Mu Geer's voice interrupted the feeling of fear, diverting the snake's focus for a moment.

Wang Jin spoke with a trembling voice, "Amu, run... quickly!"

Mu Geer's eyes widened in shock as he saw the approaching threat.

The snake saw Mu Geer as prey and moved quickly towards her. Wang Jin bravely jumped in front of Mu Geer, preparing for the snake's attack. With eyes shut tight, he prepared himself for what was to come.

Instead of feeling pain, he was surrounded by something soft and warm. When he looked, he was amazed to see that he was in the arms of a magnificent white tiger with shining fur and angelic wings spread out.

Weak-kneed Wang Jin fell next to Mu Geer, who hugged him tightly, both too shocked to understand what had just happened.

The white tiger, with a few more tigers beside it, focused on the large snake, its eyes determined as it got ready to protect its new friends.

The white tiger bravely fought the serpent, scaring it away. Wang Jin and Mu Geer were left shaken but safe after the intense encounter.

Wang Jin's voice shook a bit as he said, "Amu..."

Mu Ge'er held onto Wang Jin even more, but his body was shaking a lot. His teeth were chattering, making it hard for him to speak clearly.

The white tiger looked at them, its eyes intense but comforting. Wang Jin held onto Mu Ge'er's skirt tightly, watching the tiger closely. Suddenly, the tiger spread its wings, scared off the boa constrictor, and then disappeared into the shadows.

In the dark cave, blurry shapes moved around, while snakes hissed and tigers roared. The ground shook, making everything feel chaotic and unsure.

As time went on, Wang Jin's legs became numb, and the atmosphere felt heavy. Suddenly, a huge object fell with a loud thud, creating a cloud of dust.

After everything calmed down, Wang Jin was shocked to see a huge snake dying on the ground, with twelve tigers around it. He was surprised because he hadn't noticed the tigers before, but now they were there, strong and fierce, surrounding the snake like protectors.

In the middle of the tigers was the white tiger, looking powerful and majestic. Was this the same tiger that had saved them earlier?

Wang Jin looked even more pale when he realized how close they were to danger.

However, he was surprised when Mu Ge'er let go of him and stood up, walking unsteadily towards one of the tigers in the group.

Wang Jin reached out to stop him but hesitated, his eyes focus on the approaching figure.

The tiger moved forward slowly, its shape gradually changing until it became a man.

"Ayuan..." Wang Jin heard Mu Ge'er call the man "Ayuan."

Yuan Heng. . .