Eyes Forward

"Your Majesty, they've nearly broken through the first blockade," A middle-aged soldier named Reeskris informed Flaur as he knelt before her under her surveying canopy. 

"Explain the situation," Flaur asked as she folded her arms behind her, watching the battlefield from afar on her hill. She maintained a stalwart imposition, she couldn't afford to show any weakness to her men. 

"They're like ants, the lot of them. A horde of peasants, all armed with farming tools but with a fervor like that of wild animals. We've managed to keep them at bay, but due to their sheer numbers, it doesn't matter how many we subdue; they just keep on coming," Reeskris paused as he caught his breath. 

Flaur frowned as she listened to Reeskris' report. One of her worst fears was happening, an attack led by her citizens. 

It all happened a day after the incident at the duel, her scouts reported movement from Quell beelining straight at her campsite. Thankfully, they had around a day's worth of prep before they'd arrive, allowing them enough time to set lines of troops forming a defensive strait that controlled the road. 

In theory, it would be easy to repel such an attack. A horde of poorly armed peasants attacking a corp of highly-trained royal guards. No matter their number, it would be a bloodbath; an easy victory. 

But, this was her citizenry; her people. Just before, she had led a goodwill expedition to Quell. Due to constant raids from Aurum, the surrounding fields had been razed and destroyed. Her corp had helped in the restoration project and provided food relief to the Quellians.

No matter what, she couldn't bear killing them. So, she's instructed her troops to minimize deaths and focus on non-lethal subjugation. 

She knew she was being foolish, everyone likely saw her as nothing but a sentimental little girl too afraid to get her hands bloodied. 

"Maintain your positions, draw some men from the camp, and reinforce the frontline," Flaur commanded as Reeskris bowed and followed her order.

'Another terrible move', Flaur thought. But, this was the only thing she could do, it was all a matter of when, not if the frontline would fail.

A large grumble roared out into the air. Was it a dragon? No, it was just Flaur's stomach.

"Your Majesty, you must eat," Stergos said as he presented her with a small platter of fruit. But she only shook her head as she kept her gaze fixed at the battlefront afar. 

She has scarcely eaten in days. 

"Has Ignis been fed today?" Flaur asked without removing her gaze from the fight. 

Flaur's mind flew back to that duel. The sheer power she had witnessed, the fear she had felt when she had heard Ignis chant that spell. 

Neither Stergos nor she had constructed that magical barrier around them, and when she had later asked the Zepar Princess if that had been her doing; she denied it as well. 

If it hadn't been for it, all three of them likely would've died from the Mana intensity at the spell's epicenter. It was a miracle that when the shield had dispersed, the spell hadn't gone off-- Ignis was just lying unconscious with a mysterious black swirl on his chest.

It pained her to imprison him, to throw his unconscious body into a magic-restricting cell. But, it was the necessary thing to do, not only for her sake but for all the others under her care; especially her family. 

"Lady Ashari has been entrusted to his care, do not fret, your Majesty," Stergos reassured her as he put the platter of fruit down on the side table. 

Stergos felt his hand hesitate as he thought of putting his hand on her shoulder. Flaur was small, she had been her entire life. He has witnessed her growth throughout the entirety of it, from her birth to her coronation, to now; he's always seen her like this. 

But, in his hesitation, Flaur turned around, causing him to throw away the thought as he straightened up his back; ready to receive any demand she could think of. 

But instead of her usual pride and disciplined demeanor, there was a haze in her eyes as she looked up at him; she looked like a lost child in the mist.

"Do... do you think I'm doing the right thing?" Flaur asked as her voice quivered. 

"I believe you've done the best you could for Ignis' sake,--" 

"N-Not that, Stergos, but... for everything, for all of this, out here in the countryside," Flaur interrupted him as she looked around where they stood. 

There was a frantic controlled panic in the hearts of all the men stationed in the camp and at the frontline. Flaur could sense their morale waning, their drive to serve her brittle as the fighting continued. The only one she could trust right now was Stergos, he'd be the only one to give it to her straight whether or not this campaign is truly lost. 

Stergos slicked back his white-aged hair, even at his age, his handsomeness hadn't fully dulled. He looked afar at the battlefront, he was never a royal soldier, and he knew nothing about the concepts of modern war, but he did know about the everchanging tide of mortality. For him, nobody else mattered but the assurance that Flaur Ars Goetia will live; even at the expense of every life around her.

"I believe... we must retr--" 

"You will win," Suddenly, a voice appeared from behind Stergos and Flaur, interrupting Stergos from telling her his thought.

Stergos assumed a combat stance as he positioned himself in front of Flaur, his eyes narrowed at the familiar appearance of the Demon he had dueled seven moon cycles prior. 

"I-Ignis? How are you here!?" Flaur exclaimed, she had a mixed look of fear and relief as she saw Ignis standing by the table where her map was. 

Without taking further chances, Stergos lunged at Ignis as he aimed for his nape; he was going to try to subdue him before he could try anything. Flaur screamed as he saw Stergos' hand connect where Ignis' neck was--

But, it only cut threw a silvery mist as it slipped through Ignis' form.

Bewildered by the loss of balance and physical connection, Stergos jumped back, ready to recommence the attack but was startled by the fury in Flaur's voice as she commanded him to stop. 

"HALT STERGOS!" She screamed, this was the same anger she had used when she had witnessed the kidnapping of her siblings and of Stergos' attempt to make chase. 

Stergos paused his attack but kept his fists up, ready to strike at any moment if Ignis were to do anything out of the ordinary. 

"Look, I'm sorry for the sudden intrusion, but from what I know about what's going on, we don't have a lot of time to hash things out," He began to explain. 

"But to answer your question from earlier, yes, you are doing the right thing. If you had decided to kill the peasantry, you would've lost more than just this battle. You would've lost your country," 

"Now-- let me show you how you can win this, as your Strategist,"