
Crystal Skull

After the incident that led to Skull trashing those goons terribly, he never stepped out of the his house late again. Even though he wasn't afraid of causing trouble; he still kept away from scenes involving trouble. Though after giving the goons a befitting response, they started being seen less around the grave site, or sometimes not seen at all for a period of time. The gang leader was very cautious and was not going to have his face slapped in such away, which made him search for Skull's where about. Still he found nothing about him or how he got there that night, he's search went on for months yet nothing was found of him. While skull went back into his secluded lifestyle which he had maintained after his wife death in Jabe city.

Living in Jabe city is filled with countless toil which makes everyone who clearly reside here to mind their own business and everyone lives their life regardless of what the current state of the city is like, since most of the residents are mainly poor people who only know how to go about their daily lives.

Knowing the countless hardships which the poor people of the city faces, they are forced to remain silent regardless of what happens. The perfect example was how an hundred of common men and women died from an accident which was as a result of negligence of the government, and since no top power who resides here much wasn't said about the incident. The issue of poor shelters and higher rate of sudden accident occuring usually happens here, as well as poor standard of living in this side of the empire; even though the people who resided here had made several complaints to the government still nothing has been done by them.

the issues of poor shelters was as a result of the once building left behind after the foundation of Astoria was first made, and the city was never rebuilt after the order of the rest cities which were rebuilt. Though the residents here pay taxes for residing here, still they were over looked as a meager part of Astoria. One time when the residents made a very huge and impactful protest to be heard by the higher ups, and the protest did shake the city; the sercurity agent once put in place to guard the citizens forced them to return home with violent action and that wasn't all. Some of them who showed bravery were beaten up and others nearly killed, after the incident they returned to their houses and the next day ; they got an increase in all their taxes. Seeing the outcome of their peaceful protest to be heard they decided to never stand up against the government again or plan any further act of speaking up. Even though there were still happy moments for most of the residents who lived there, but in general anyone who got the chance of leaving this place don't even think twice about it.

In the busy street of Jabe city where lots of people keeps moving around trying to meet their daily needs, while someone sat at various patrs of the street begging for aid. The common source of livelihood here was to either beg for alms, which are mostly practiced by old women sbd children, or joining a construction site. Even if the pay wasn't much due to high numbers of people who begs to work there, and the pay was barely enough to eat daily. Amongst the group of passer by was a man who walked amidst the crowd of people; he had an hat on, which covered his face from the view of onlookers. He had a black long coat on, with his both hands on his coat pocket. He kept walking for a while and took several turns around several paths along an alley for a repeated number of times. After which he arrived at a coffee shop which seems less populated at this time of the day and he walked into it, if anyone was seeing the shop they could say it needed a bit of a renovation and probably to be relocated to a decent location to draw in more customer's, he walked towards a seat and sat down. Soon an old man walked towards him; ** skull you final decided to show up after a while** and skull mood became foul which made the old man apologize ** was I not supposed to use your code name ** then pardon me ** he add after which he left Skull's side and went towards the coffee maker to make a coffee and after awhile he brought a cup of coffee for him.

Skull took the cup and brought it close to his nose and commentted ** you are still as good as making these ** which made the old man smile at his remark and questioned him

** pardon me but how long do you still plan on being in Jabe city ** and Skull drank the coffee while staring out of the coffee shop ** the kid's yours** he inquired and the old man looked outside, while seeing a little boy who look to be at the range of seven or eight years old. Holding a wooden stick on his hand and practicing how to fight.

He nodded his head and said ** well he lives here with me and it all happened not too long ago when his sister was taken away by Rob** he sighed, and continued ** poor children whose parents owed Rob a debt and couldn't pay ** so he took he's sister away and ever since he had been training,,, in hope that one day he would rescue her ** and he took the empty cup of coffee away with him to clean it up after Skull was through with his coffee. Soon he returned again and asked Skull if he had been keeping touch with the guide regarding certain issues, and he did got his answer which was silence; which one could say it was a surprise how the man knew all of Skull's answers even if he said nothing. After which he said ** they have been case's of some of your upcoming colleagues going missing and they seems to have carried out a search yet to no avail ** and he looked at Skull who seem to be staring at a particular direction for a while after which Skull stood up and said ** thanks for the info Tek ** whilst leaving the coffee shop.

The old man called Tek watched the slow disappearing silhouette of Skull, while he sighed frustratedly and he walked back to his previous spot.