
Adeline's fear

Back in Data city It was pretty late, even though the time was just seven and off working hours for ordinary working people. The city was usually known for being active always, regardless of how the residents in the city lived their live. The people who lived here are all well off compared to people from Jabe city, even if they are stull some poor people who reside here. The city was very to a jungle which made the city highly guarded and people who resided here are restricted from venturing into the jungle at night time. Other than it been closed to the jungle, the city was know fie it's prosperous economic system, and it was among the mid built cities.

At this current time of the day, a lone fox runs through the bushes and; even though it wasn't being chase by any pack of wide animals, still it kept running at a steady pace. Soon it arrived at a building which made the fox stood still, slowly it started shifting into a person; the fox like person was non other than Adeline who shifted into a bird awhile ago in the afternoon. Now she was dressed up in a black gown and wore a sliver heel shoe with red flowers in her hands, she pulled out a mirror and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She ran are hands through her hair in a stylish manner, afterwards she walked into the building to find Loris. Well she and Loris did make a pact and as part of it he would take her out tonight. Adeline walked into the building with a smile on her face, while calling out to Loris if he would spare her the trouble of coming to him; and there was no response at all. She still kept walking inside till she got to the room he usually used to do his work, and the doors was left slightly opened; then she pushed it fully open. Seeing the tattered and disorganized state of the room, the flowers in her hands fell down and the smile on her face faded away which was replaced with panic and anxiety while she ran into the room and looked for trace of Loris.The entire room was literally wrecked, with a bit of blood on the ground, and when observed closely; it was still fresh. Which means it wasn't too long when the incident took place, being fully worried; Adeline searched the entire building as well as looking around if she could find Loris while also checking the bushes as well as the jungle near by. She shifted into a hound and sniffed the ground as well as the air for trace of him, she ran deeper into the jungle in search of him and found a trace of his scent mixed with a group of people. She tried hanging on to the scent which she found of him and ran along it, she slowly shifted into a cheetah and ran with full speed. Soon she found herself at a desolate road which led to hidden parts to other cities, she being in cheetah form stood for a while and sniffed the. She followed the scent which she found of him earlier; and she started running again along the road. She ran at full speed which made her saw a vehicle driving ahead, and she slowly took a stop. Adeline slowly shifted back to human and bend with her knee touching the ground while she formulated a plan, after which she shifted back to a bird and flew towards the vehicle. Adeline being a bird saw a man who had a stern look on his face when she looked into the vehicle through the window. She tried going over the car to search for trace of Loris when she lost concentration and flew into a trees shade, and she fell down. Adeline tried to get up again and she felt weakness in her entire body which made her movement slow. Adeline fell down again and slowly shifted back to human, she cried from her sudden lost of energy; whilst lying down on the cold musty ground of the jungle. Adeline wailed bitterly from over exhaustion and she cursed at her luck, ** why now,,,, why ** she said before falling asleep.

In the early hours of the morning; when the sun hasn't risen up yet, was a feminine figure who laid down on the ground of the jungle. Adeline, who woke up from a water droplet which fell on her face, as a result of dew which occurs on the early hours in the jungle. She struggled to stand up from the musty ground and staggered to move, she remembered why she was here and tears flowed down her face. Slowly Adeline started moving deeper into the jungle, even though her foot steps wasn't corodinated; she still kept walking further. Though not certain but she knew the vehicle from last night would still be around, Adeline kept moving further. She missed her step which caused her to trip over and rolled on the ground from a very huge landslide, which took her minutes to regain her stamina back. Adeline slowly stood up and watched her new surroundings and heard the sound of flowing waters, she followed the sound of the water and found a river near by. She remembered seeing a land setting like this from way above the last time she to a trip over the jungle to meet Loris, she knew that from this point onward one could either go over clave city or head deeper into the jungle. Since Data city was built closer to a jungle, the proportion of land which still remains a jungle spread on very large. Adeline slowly moved towards the river bank and tried crossing it, she only had one thought in mind; to get too the other side. She took of her shoes and swam across the river, after which she sat still for awhile to regain her breath and she soon heard noises. It was like a group of men arguing about something, she moved towards the side and payed more attention to their words; and one of the men said ** why are we still keeping dead body anyway let's just throw him into the jungle and go home**. The second man said ** we got orders to bring the body back dead or alive ** while they kept moving further towards the river, Adeline slowly moved out of the river bank and started walking back in the direction the two men came from. She had a strange feeling that the men must be talking about Loris, and she slowly kept moving forward till she came across the same vehicle of last night. She walked towards the vehicle and found it empty of anyone in it, she wasn't certain anymore if she would find Loris here and she felt tears welling up in her eyes. Just about then she saw a trace of blood on the back of the vehicle, so she moved over to the boot and opened it. Surprisedly she found Loris inside it all bloody and wounded from severe beating, and she held her mouth with both hands while tears stream down her face. She reached out to check his pulse and found his still a bit of life in him, so she pulled in out of the vehicle and started moving towards the jungle along with him.

After taking a couple of steps with the now wounded Loris in her arms, which Adeline held cause he couldn't move; she held a shout which made look behind her and saw a group of men chasing after her. She tried to move faster but she couldn't from holding Loris, so she tripped over and fell along with Loris in her hold, rolled deeper into the jungle with Loris in her hand.

Luckily Adeline managed to lost them but she knew she wasn't safe yet so she hid Loris in a spot surrounded by rocks, after which she ran out of the spot to try drive the men away; after walking out. She was spotted by a man who called for his colleagues and they chased after her, Adeline knowing she didn't have much choice led them out of the jungle. But even at that the men were on her tray, while one of them kept throwing trees and huge rocks at her path. She managed to keep dulging all of it, till he made a tick rock wall which stood before her, Adeline now stood prelexed not knowing where to go. ** Nice work Gusty** the group leader said, while approaching Adeline, and he said ** hand over his body misses ,,you are all alone now ** he said stretching his hand forward. Adeline took the last bait which she had to draw them away, and she shifted into a bird and soar into the sky. ** Damn ** the group leader curse and said ** we head towards clave city ** he placed one hand on his belt and said ** we soon see you misses **.