
Making moves

Marching through the gate, the group of seven had a serious look on their faces; like a soldier heading off into a battle. All suited up in a combat uniform, retaining their weapons by their sides.

*Ex- guardian Steele. It has come to the guild's notice , that you've been facing a few minor difficulties here over your assigned duties... * The man in charge of the group said in one breath.

*Yes . Guardian Silver mask... and we hope you , along with your aid could finally rid the mountain from that unprecedented phenomenon we've been experiencing. !*

Steele lamented, even though he was once a guardian himself; he seldom gets involved in issues relating to fights and overseeing conflicts, which made him choose a life as the mountain's head guardian.

*We've seen the statistical data and recent reading obtained from the mountain range. And what we've been able to detect was unusual sound wave from the depth of the mountain.! *