

A cold shroud creeped into her bone. A reality of a thousand shock drove by a truck crashed into her washing her thoughts back to the present - clearly thunderstruck and dumbfounded.Green E was left speechless beyond words, she had never thought that she would see someone with such rare ability, or rather because she grew up knowing that this ability was forbidden in Astoria.

It was recorded that before the concept of empire, civilization and development of cities; mankind lived remotely lawless and lacked unity in all their ways which led to lack of advancement in their lives. In order to sort out this issue of disunity amongst them a display of power must be carried out which would prove ' whose the strongest' and so capable to lead by the fist.

Various individuals with different abilities took part in this power struggle; some abilities were flight, strength, climatic control and the rarest of all back then was illusion ability and camouflage.