Chapter 30

I didn't know, if yesterday was our last night with father and Agha. I just stared in despair at the two bodies that were already on top of the morgue, with the pale faces of my father and Agha as if smiling at me, telling me to stay strong. I approached the bodies of my father and Agha with unsteady steps. I need father's stick and my stick is father. I also need encouragement and my encouragement is Agha. But now you two have left me alone with mother and Zinia.

I hugged my father's body for a long time while sobbing and heard Nareswara's voice telling the nurse not to keep me away from my father. This is my father and no one should stop me from hugging my father one last time.

"Dad... is this a nightmare when I sleep at night?"

"Dad, what about my life without you?"

"Dad always said this and that but dad never promised to stay with me."