Arriving at school, Nareswara's lips smeared with natural red lipstick continued to announce to the entire school community, that the man named Agha who was in a coma for two weeks due to a traffic accident had now regained consciousness. But he delivered this happy news like he was delivering the news of the waking up of the mummy Egpy. Everyone expressed their gratitude to me by smiling and hugging me.
"You know, if your brother has recovered, then he can be a witness to the accident and Ivy's life will end," said Mario while carrying potato chips and a can of reddish-brown soda and immediately sitting on the grass.
"The truth will win," Will Spencer shouted with enthusiasm. For some reason I really like the typical American accent. Not only that, Will Spencer has bright brown eyes like melted caramel and his dark brown hair will look very beautiful if exposed to sunlight like it is now.