Falling through the clouds again, I found it almost quite normal, I'd fallen through a lot of them in one day. I suddenly started seeing objects below, I could see the sea, the trees, "what was happening is this it?" I asked myself.
Engulfed with terror, I started screaming, this time because I could see the ground, thinking my brains would be spilled around the ground. I covered my eyes and hoped for a miracle.
I was screaming continuously until I felt myself on the floor, I was back at the top of the mountain, face flat on the floor, hearing Myul Mang chuckle slightly.
I got up, my whole body shaking from the fear, "If you're not human then what are you?" I asked him, my voice quivering.
"Well Han Su Jin, I am a fragment of the past that is alive in the future," he replied
"So you're trying to tell me that you are not of this world?" I said nodding my head like I was comprehending what he was saying, but truthfully, I thought this was all part of our Handlers test. I wasn't going to let him win me.
"Well I am of this world, not just this era and also I am not of this world," he said raising his shoulders high, in hopes to wow me.
I scratched the back of my head for a while, not wanting to say anything that'd upset him again, "he's for sure stronger than I am," my mind lingered, but the urge to call him a psycho just kept persisting.
"You're crazy, really crazy, total psycho that's what you are," I said, turned back and started walking away, whispering all manner of things to myself.
"June 1, 2020" he shouted as if to gain my attention and anger me at the same time.
My eyes lit up with anger and confusion, it was a date nobody besides, Daesang, Dave and I knew, how did he know it?
It's the day KJ died, nobody at Aries knows about it except us three and for sure Dave or Daesang wasn't going to tell anyone about it.
"How do you know that date?" I asked him angrily with tears in my eyes. This time I was the one performing the offensive action, regardless that I knew he was stronger than I was, I held him up by his throat with my right hand. He didn't seem to budge or feel any pain because he hardly strained for breath; his voice still sounded clear as ever, "What the hell is he?" I thought to myself.
"Well, June is the month of the year right?" He said and chuckled and suddenly his countenance altered. "Like I said, I've been watching you from afar"
I relaxed my grip as I saw the effort was to no avail. He went further in his explanation, "I am an entity present in space and time, I travel through time, well, only Into those times of my life where I'm not alive. I know it sounds all nonsense to you but sit down."
Magically, the environment where we were suddenly changed back to the room we were in before, I found myself sitting in a chair that was not there before.
"How did you do that?" I asked him curiously.
"Don't be fascinated by that, listen to what I have to say," he continued, " I am a spirit being that comes into the world only when I am needed, a cosmic warrior, it's a world within yours. I was one of the greatest people in my past life, I haven't been reborn in about a thousand years. This time, I decided to visit you, I would probably be present in your next life as a human, but I don't know how long that might be.
"So why did you come to me?" I asked.
"Because you are the chosen one, Han Su Jin," Myul Mang said. "You have the power of the stars at the same time the mutation of a demon, what Seong Seo.. sorry your Handler told you about creatures from the early Gaegyeong era is true, I fought them once and trust me they are blood tasty and blood-seeking beings, the monsters among them aren't the issue, the demons are."
I wasn't sure of what to make of the whole story right now, I was just told of a timeline that heaves right over ours where spirits move freely and that some of who we are fighting are Demons, not Monsters, everything sounded like a lot but I was starting to pay more attention to what Myul Mang was saying.
"You said I am the chosen one, chosen for what exactly?"
He smiled at me, "You'd find that out. Either you find it out or it finds you out, your purpose will stay true to you. A lot of people are in your hands Han Su, don't let them down. Even I am in your hands."
"He's at it again, confusing me with his words," I thought to myself, "What do you mean? Why do you find it difficult to be straightforward tell me in clear terms" I said angrily.
He stepped back a little and put his hand behind of his head, untying his blindfold. On taking off his blindfold, he had no eyes, his eyeballs were nowhere to be found, just a pitch-black hole etched in his face.
"look at them, look into my eyes, as I stared and peered into what he called his eyes, I was suddenly taking into an aspect of time, even though it was for a slight moment, I saw different happenings, scattered places, desolate lands, I saw myself, standing with blood all over my body, panting heavily.
"Agrhhh!" I cried out, "What was that? what was that!!!!" I screamed.
He took his blindfold and bound it back around his eyes, "What you saw there was what is to come, I do not have the full detail of it, I wasn't giving to know the information of the future, just that of the past because I've lived through it, but one thing is for sure, it was you that you saw, you're the foretold TITAN in the Chronicles of Azra"
"Mwo(what)? Chronicles of Azra? What is that" I asked him.
He placed his hand on my right shoulder, "It is the book of time, it holds the deeds of both the past and the future, it was last seen two thousand years ago, destroyed actually, so as for it not to get into the wrong hands. Even I myself only heard the story of the TITAN, I never read about it."
"The TITAN? What is that" I was starting to become quite inquisitive.
"You're the one that was given the dual mutation, the others were given a single mutation, the serum you were given contained the genetics of a Demon and a Monster, so you're half Demon, half Monster and half Human. The spirit of the Demon would try to take over you, should you give into it, you'd become just like any other Demon, mindless, brutal, uncanny...you name it."
"What are you saying? I knocked his hand off my shoulder, "Demon my foot, I don't even have abilities like the rest of the guys, tch… I almost believed your load of crap." I started walking away again.
Myul Mang nodded, a look of approval on his face. "I knew I could count on you, Han Su Jin. You are the one, it always starts off this way. I know this because even if you're saying you don't believe it your mind is doing the opposite, but I must say, I'm quite disappointed."
He stretched out his hands and a staff came from nowhere into his hands, it had the inscriptions of an ancient writing, "It's time to go Han Su Jin, it was nice meeting you, but you're weaker than I expected."
As a log of wood swung in one direction to cause damage, his words hit me deep, I thought to myself, I've failed and let someone down again, first was KJ now Myul Mang.
"The winds of the Air go with you, the Earth holds you, the water flows through you and the fire burns in you, but you don't even know this. Myul Mang was sounding very disappointed.
"Aniyo (no), Myul Mang ssi" I stuttered, "gidaliseyo (wait)."
He stretched his hand towards me, spun his staff in the air and hit it on the ground, "Daleun Chawon (Another Dimension)!" He shouted.
I felt Air in an airtight room, it threw me off my feet and a diamond shaped portal with blue lights appeared at my back and sucked me in.
"Ahhh" I screamed and woke up back into my realm, "what sort of dream was that!" I continually said, my whole body shaking with fear.
The door opened and I saw Jeong Su rushing in, " Han Su Jin!" she said sitting on my bed.
She hugged me tightly, "Calm down, it's just a bad dream, it's just a bad dream, it's fine, we're here, she reassured me slowly stroking my hair and patting my back."
Soon after Dave rushed in, "Daesang-a! Meanijeo, Su Jin's up."
Everyone rushed in, the doctor came to check my vitals. I just sat there looking straight outside the window, my consciousness half way above Earth. The doctor termed it as me still being in shock, but I know what I had seen.