Real Mission

Krain's POV

"The ranking exam now begins."

I looked at the students who are entering the field. All the stations that we need to go through are all set. Since there are seven rankings, there are seven stations.

"Depending on how many stations you go through, that would be your ranking. For example, you only passed until station four, then your rank will become 4," I heard a student explained to her friend.

The loud noises dominate the place. Most students entered the first station while I am here, standing in the entrance of the field. In my far left, Krace is sitting in the ground while looking at the students.

He was forced to dressed up as Ember Whittle again since we can't come up with a reason if we ever introduce him as a new student. It is already the middle of the school year so the admission to Quintessence is closed.

‘What ranking do you plan to have?’

I look at Krace when I heard his voice in my head. He stood up and walked towards me.

"It’s not like I can decide the ranking that I'll have."


I smiled when I saw Draceline running towards me. She hugged me tight and scanned my face.

"I didn't know you're back! Are you alright?"

I remained smiling. Fries appeared beside and hit my head lightly, making me look at him in confusion.

"You were in the hospital then you decided to go away. We were hell worried!"

Draceline hit his head so he was complaining but stopped when Neym arrived.

"Chimsy," he called.

"Neym," I called back. He hugged me so I hugged him back. "I'm sorry."

He smiled and shook his head. "What’s important is you’re back. You kept your promise."

Yes, I did. I'm still alive. I promised to stay alive because I don't want to waste Chimsy's life that she sacrificed just to protect me.

"Let's go?" Xyra said so we all walked near the entrance of the first station.

"Do you think we could rank up this time?"

No one answered Draceline. They continued walking but I stopped halfway. I closed my eyes and feel the surrounding, trying to find a specific presence.

"Chimsy!" Fries called. When I look at them, they are all looking at me.

"I’ll be there."

They nodded and continued their way.

‘You're waiting for him?’

My forehead creases when I heard Krace again. He is walking with Neym but he is talking to me.

"Quit asking, Krace."

‘You promised Ashinaida to not see her brother, didn't you? Then what are doing right now? Are you forgetting that we've been and is still being betrayed by him?’

I look down at the grass beneath my feet. I.. shouldn't I be doing this? Am I not allowed to do this?

‘We are saving the future, Krain, not falling for the enemy.’

I did not. I won't.

I released a frustrated sighed because of what he said. This is just for now. I'll keep my promise to Ashinaida once the ranking exam is over.

A minute later, I heard footsteps walking towards my direction. He stops beside me and just look at the entrance of the first station.

"Were you waiting for me?"

"Yes," I answered. "I just wanted to thank you for bringing me home last night."

And for everything that you did for me so far. And I'm sorry if I'll ever hurt you in the future.

"The time is ticking. Let's go?"

I followed him towards the entrance of the first station. At the very entrance, he stopped and look back at me with a smile in his face.

"See you in three days? I know you'll survive till the last station, I'll be waiting for you there."

The entrance is covered with mist. We stepped in together but I was left alone when I made it to the first station. I adjusted my vision and saw a bridge in front of me.

Quintessence is magical, that's a fact. I'm sure the other students are with me in this place but I can't see nor feel any of them. It’s like I entered a new dimension the moment I stepped foot on the mist of first station.

I carefully walked but the bridge moved. It became a moving puzzle that is shaking rapidly. Its color is changing and some are even becoming invisible for a few seconds.

So, if a student couldn't make through this, his or her ranking will be the seventh. Rank Efta.

It would be a piece of cake for Fries. The others might pass this station easily too. They could possibly make their own way to the entrance of the next station.

And I can make my way there too.

I look around and saw a blinking red light on the edge of the ceiling. I transferred my gaze and saw the same thing on the other corner.

We are being watched, obviously.

Instead of making my way to the other side, I decided to rest. I sit in front of the moving bridge. I have three days to finish the challenges of the seven stations so why the hurry? I should take my time.

What should I do next?

I side eyed the corners of the room when I heard deep breathes from the other side. Krace.

‘Just stop the time and go through that obstacle. Stop sighing as if it is impossible for you to go across.’

I don’t know about his plan. But I am pretty sure that he knows that we are being watched. He could hear the movement of the camera for sure.

‘I forgot to ask my mom about who are monitoring the ranking exam. We can't just use all the elements in here. We can't risk revealing ourselves just for a ranking status.’

Right. Ranking status are not that important.

‘What if.. we intentionally fail this exam and set off to our mission right away? I mean, the lower our ranking, the less suspicion we get, right?’

I think what his idea. He's right. Our ranking doesn't matter. We are not here in Quintessence to compete with the rankings, in the first place. We are here to hide and eventually, save the future.

‘I don't think Nashin will reveal our identities so soon. We could still keep pretending.’


I stared at the entrance to the next station.

He must be there, seriously taking the ranking exam. He needs to maintain his ranking because he is from the royal family of Guerreier. I guess he is aiming to remain on rank one. The rank Ena.

‘What do you think, Krain?

I stood up and sighed.

‘I'll wait for you outside.

I calmly walked in the moving bridge. Upon stepping on the invisible part, my surrounding drastically changed. I'm back at the field.

"That wraps up your ranking exam, Morgan."

Sir Clinton handed me a pin with Roman Numeral VII. I take it and put it in my left chest.

"Thank you, sir."

"Why did you do it?" He seriously asked. "Even the weakest student could pass that obstacle. You are capable of passing that challenge in less than a minute."

"Do ranking matters?" I asked which makes him smile.

"As expected from you," he said. "You could enjoy the rest of the week."

"I wish to enjoy the rest of the week, too."

I look at Krace who happily accepted his ranking badge that is the same as mine. He put it in his pocket and bid goodbye to Sir Clinton.

"We'll go to the mistress' office," he said as he leads the way out of the field. Before we arrived at the headquarters, we both stopped when the wind whispers.

‘I'll see you off.’

We exchanged knowing looks, and both changed our way. We made it to the admission office where Miss Xhora is waiting for us.

"You know that we'll intentionally get this rank?" Krace asked upon seeing his mother. We both went inside the admission room. Miss Xhora handed us two backpacks, so I looked at it upon realizing something.

"So, Nashin is not actually a part of this mission," I whispered.

Did she lure him into thinking that we still trust him? That we didn't know that he has been betraying Quintessence?

"Your real mission is to set off to Meriandin and stay there until we said that it is the right time for you to come back here in Epiliar."

It’s like we are leaving for good. "Why are you sending us away?"

To protect us? I am running away again.

"I can't tell you the details, but it is for good."

Again? For good? They are saving me in exchange for the safety of those who are here in Epiliar?

"I am not leaving Epiliar-"


My head faced the door as I heard the familiar gentle voice. My eyes widened and I run towards her with no hesitation.


I hugged my sister tightly. She hugged me back and started crying.

"I thought I'll never see you."

"The three of you has to leave Quintessence," Miss Xhora instructed so I faced her.

"Is something going to happen here?"

She stared at me.

"I am not gonna lie," she sighed. "A conflict will rise and cause a big gap between districts. You have to be in a safer place if that happens. You still need to save us by changing the future."

Save the future..

Tera held my hand so I look down at her.

"That's what dad told me to do."

Even dad?

"For the future, Krain," Miss Xhora whispered, looking worriedly at my sister.

I need to follow them, not for my own good but for my sister. For the future. For HER future.

I kneel in front of my sister and held her hands. I smiled at her before I arrange the ends of her hoodie.

"We'll leave together. This time, I promise that we will never part ways. Never."

She nodded and wiped her tears away. She also has a backpack like that of mine. We waited for the sun to set before we go out of Quintessence. Miss Xhora accompanied us to the main entrance where a black van is waiting for us.

"That van will take you to Meriandin without being noticed by anyone. Once you arrived at my house there, this van will automatically destroy itself. To totally ensure your safety, never try to communicate with anyone from Epiliar. Wait for my go signal before coming back here," Miss Xhora explained as she opens the door of the van. "Understood?"

"Yes, mom," Krace answered, hugging his mom. "I'll trust you to keep your word and call us back here at the right time."

"And I'll entrust Krain and Tera under your care. Protect them with your life, Krace."

He nodded. "I will."

We went inside the van. Miss Xhora smiled as she waved goodbye. When she closed the door, the van started working without a driver.

"An automated van that could sail," Tera whispered while looking at the map that flashed infront of us. "I heard that Meriandin is not actually safe. But if we stay low key and be invisible there, that's the safest place for Dauthinian like us."

I comfortably sit on one of the seats as I watch the structure of Quintessence disappearing from our sight.

I'm leaving everyone behind. I'm so sorry.

"It is not our fault, Krain. Whatever happens, whatever happened and whatever will happen. Everything is out of our control and this.. this is the only thing we could do to help the people," Krace said, convincing me. He took the seat across mine.

"We may not be able to save a few right now, but we'll be able to save a lot of them.. in the future."

In the future. Why is everything about the future. Is it wise to focus more in the future than the present? Are we doing the right thing?

I chose to stay silent. Tera saw it so she sits beside me and hold my hand.

"I cried a river when I heard the news about the Dauthinian who died near the River Lar. We all thought it was really you," she said in a low voice.

The memories from that day came back to me again. That was traumatizing.

"I nearly died that day, but Neym Morgan showed up and helped me. And the second time, Chimsy is the one who saved me but she didn't make it."

It is cruel how I get to meet good people like them who'd save my life but I ended up losing her in that same day. I wasn't even ready to protect myself at that time.

"I wonder what Neym felt when he was forced to bring me to Quintessence and introduce me as his sister instead of grieving for his sister's death."

Tera hugged me so I hugged her back. Krace was just looking at us intently so we were quiet but our van abruptly stopped.

I thought it will keep us safe from anything?

"Is that.. "

Krace and I looked at each other when a boat stopped, blocking our way.

"And the villain finally went to the surface," Krace said, removing his disguise.

I smiled sadly when I met her eyes.

I know she had her reasons but I don't tolerate her behavior. Because of all traits of people, I despise betrayers.

I hate traitors.

Like Nashin..

And like Chiena.
