Hero to rescue

"ahhh, are you blind?" shouted Alexa.

"Linda!!. " Sylvia and Fran came to help out Linda... when

Allen also came back.

"Linda are you okay?! " said Allen.

"just get out of my sight!" shouted Linda at Allen.

"excuse me, please move aside."said a man he was wearing a grey suit. it was Rem...and at his back a tall man was following, who was wearing a blue suit.

"isn't that the business tycoon. "

" CEO Jones?!! "

" why is he bothering to come to such a small gathering."

Others were whispering among themselves.

" My wife are you alright?" asked William, carrying Linda on his armns.

"w-what are y-you doing?" whispered Linda.

" shut up to keep the act. " whispered William.

"Mr. William?!" Alexa was very surprised.

" tell me who pushed my wife?" asked William.

"it was Kenny, she pushed Linda purposely onto Alexa." said Sylvia, "I and Fran saw it. "