Family warmness

' Linda come here.. let me have a look at my child. " said grandma.

" ok grandma. " said Linda and sat beside grandma.

" oh!! so any plans for my great grand children." asked grandma.

" cough. cough.. " William was choked while drinking


Linda lowered her head and did not say anything.. she was absolutely blushing a lot.

'grandma!!! we have come. " called out a lady from the door outside.

" my grandchild how are you?" said grandma.

Linda first didn't notice then she realized it was Mr and Mrs White.. with Steve.

" what?! " Linda was surprised..

" actually, she is my sister.. Merlin White. " said William.

" Doctor Linda what a surprise?! " Merlin was surprised as well.

" didn't William tell you that Linda is his wife. " said grandpa.

" what?! really ?! "

" yes sister... brother didn't tell to anyone about this. " said Darwin. "you unfilial brat when will you learn to inform !" shouted Merlin at William's ear and pulled his ea.