William left Linda's room and Linda sat quietly and thought, "what is the meaning of 'paying back'!! hahaha silly me... who thought that he was really having feelings... oh how can I forget that it was a contract afterall...after two years of full completion... we can be separated.. "
[ Linda came down stairs ]
Linda checked her phone and she saw the news in the internet.
" Headlines : Julia Lee breaks engagement with Ryan Mu.
Ryan Mu, arrested for many public harassment cases for past few years . "
Linda read some news and then looking at William she understood...
Linda went to hospital without saying anything to him...
[ In the hospital ]
" Linda!! see this!! " said Slyvia..
" again what shocking news you came to give me? " said Linda.. looking exhausted..
" no no! see this there is new arrival of mangas in departmental store.. I wanna buy some.. and we can do shopping also!! " said Slyvia.
" idea is not bad!! " said Linda.