" Linda... I don't think so we should go.. by seeing her looks I think.. she is scheming something for us.. " said Slyvia, taking the invitation card.

" wait wait.. give me the card! . " said Linda. pulling her back.

Linda took the card from her hand and reads..

" oh.. it's tomorrow... excellent I should go then.." said Linda.. flipping her hair..

[ That evening ]

Linda was going to the garage when she was that William was waiting outside and Rem was there too.

" give your car keys to Rem and you come with me. " said William .

Linda handed over her keys to Rem and got up in the car and sat beside William.

" But.. where are we going? " asked Linda..

" Slyvia told me everything... when we reach the place you will see it. "

" that brat.. she informs everything to William!! ugh!! "thought Linda, being annoyed.

They arrived at a place called " HY fashion. " as Linda came out of the car.. she looked up and saw it was the famous fashion shop....