Husband is gonna handle everything

" Who is bullying my wife? " Said William..

" It's the no. 1 business tycoon? "

" Why would he attend such a small marriage party? "

"Didn't you recognize that Lady is his wife! " Whispered some of the people among themselves..

" Excuse me sir, may I know how we have offended you? " Asked Allen's father.

" My wife... Come here! " Said William.. Stretching his hand.

Linda went and held his hand and stood beside him.

They were surprised to see Linda and William together...

" Don't tell me you hooked up with a sugar daddy!!! " Said Alexa..

" So what if I did? What are going to reply to your husband.. just prepare about that! "

Alexa turned back and went to talk to Allen.

" Allen... Just listen to me!! It's all just a misunderstan__" Allen pushed Alexa away and threw the ring at her..

" enough is enough!! " Yelled Allen and he left.