Long time no see

" Hello all.. this is my wife Linda. " said William.. while Linda walked in like a elegant lady and with graceful aura.

" hello sis-in-law, I'm Fredrick." said Fredrick.

" hi, I'm Edward. "

" hello, I'm Lucas. "

" hello.. young lady we have already met.. " said Charles, waving at her.

" sis-in-law I heard you are a doctor " said Fredrick, he is the future president of Lin company and also a best hacker.

" oh yeah.. " said Linda nodding her head.

" hmm.. that's why this beautiful young lady smells like she have put some disinfectants. "said Charles, coming near Linda and was trying to sniff.

" no wonder.. Mrs Jones is very beautiful. "said Lucas, he is the chairman of Wu corporation.

" William has a good eyes to choose. " said Edward, he is a very famous lawyer.

" Well.. it's nice pleasure meeting you. "

William's friend were relieved that at last he got a wife but little did they know about the contract..