Julia between the couple

After the party.. William and Linda went home together..

"this Fiona can reveal my secret.. she is not to be trusted, looks like I still have to take care of myself. " thought Linda..

" so.. after I went away what did Fiona tell you? "

" no nothing... we talk about our interests and all nothing else more than that. " said Linda..

it was already 10:00 pm... when they went home.. William was too tired and so he slept early after reaching home...

" hello Doctor.. are you available now? "Linda called the Doctor and asked..

" oh yes Doctor.. you can come to meet. "

Linda hung up her phone but before leaving she made sure not to wake him up so she checked him.. then she creeped out the house.

[ at the hospital ]

" Doctor can you please not tell anyone... it's a request from me.. " said Linda

"yes sure Doctor.. I will keep under my special observation. "

" can I go to meet him. "

" yes, he just had his dinner. "

"ok "