Car accident

[ Next day ]

Linda was going to hospital but she too her car.. while she was driving she noticed a car was following her and was moving closely to her... Linda speed up her car... while she was watching her rear view mirror... she did not noticed a truck was coming from front and it caused a accident.. by bumping into Linda's car

Everyone gathered near... the spot and took out Linda... she got hurt but not severe her

hands and legs were injured... it did not caused much.. her car was crushed.. and it was taken by the insurance people.

while the truck driver ran away from the spot and his truck was charged..

[ In William's office ]

" Sir! Sir! bad news.. Mrs Jones had a car accident, she is now admitted in the hospital. " said Rem.

" find out.. who the person behind this !!!!! and I'm going to the hospital now!!! I give you 24 hours Rem!!! if you failed to do it.... your one year salary cut!!!" said William and left his office