Raymond and fiona

Raymond was driving the car... and asked Linda, " sis tell me where are we going? "

" somewhere... you will get very happy " said Linda.. after driving few more distance.. she said, " ok we should park the car there in the front! "

" sis, will you at least give me a hint. " said Raymond.

" Ray... see we have reached her. " said Linda, getting inside the hospital..

" you mean, here..?! " said Raymond, getting confused.

Linda walked to the gynecology department... and asked the doctor for the report..

" sis are you alright no? any problem, you should have told me! " said Raymond, getting worried.

" oh God, how can I get such a stupid brother.. "

after a second, the doctor came back with the reports in his hand and said, " ok it is alright now. "

" thank you doctor. " said Linda and walked out..

" sis, don't you think you are forgetting something? " said Raymond.

" oh.. see the reports, actually.. you are going to become uncle. " said Linda.