Uncle James, Jay’s mum, Esther’s mum, Esther, and Gabriel have all retired to the room shown to them as their room for the night except for John, Laura, Adetutu, Adewale, Anna, Jay who is disturbing Anna as they remained in the living room, and Amy who they all had no idea where he is.
Anna was still pursuing Jay around the house to get her phone from him since he refused to give it to her. Jay ran to the house balcony to hide from Anna thinking it would be vacant and a safe place to hide but Jay met Amy standing on the balcony looking at the sky.
Amy saw Jay with the phone in his hand and knew the phone could not have been his. Amy held Jay down and then he took Anna's phone from Jay and said to him ''stop trying to be a villain and run to your room'', just then Anna walked in and saw Jay with Amy but she didn’t mind Amy and focused on Jay.