
I Wake up with a fever, my body probably as hot as the sand in a desert , why me.

I get to school an hour late,missing the first period entirely, good thing nobody seemed to notice the principal is probably not around.

I try to sneak Into class but the position of my seat means I have to go past everyone.

The history teacher miss Gloria ignores me and continues her reading on some great war, I walk to my seat and slump down in it, my whole body feels like I am on fire.

I pull off my hoodie exposing the top I am wearing underneath, I feel the cool air beat against my skin and I start to shiver.

I put the hoodie back on, and rest my head on my desk.

Miss Gloria has never hidden her dislike for me, after I openly corrected and schooled her in front of the entire class it only made her bitterness towards me more pronounced but now instead of always singling me out she just ignores me completely, you would think I was indeed invisible, I wish.

As the school day ends, I contemplate going back to the principal to plead my case of bullying before him again, but the last time I did when the whole thing first started, he said it was my bad manners and anti social nature that attracted bullys to me and that I should try making friends. I don't have bullys, I have one bully, others keep their distance sometimes I think they fear me or maybe it is Zachary they fear, he had made it clear enough that he would kill anyone who came close to me.

The bell rings and I pack my bag slowly not in a hurry to leave, I step out of the class with my hands wrapped around my chest, mustering up all my strength to walk straight with my head held high, I spot Zachary walking towards me with a wicked smirk on his face, I stop and wait taking in a deep breath, before he stops in front of me i blurt out, "can we not do this today, let's take a break and continue tomorrow " I try to make my voice sound firm and uncaring like it always does, even mocking but it comes out weak and tired almost shaking. His friends start to laugh, " is she going to cry and beg" one say " no more toughness huh" another ask. "Shut up" Zachary bark at them his eyes piercing into me, he lifts his right hand and brings it towards me as if to hit me, I clench my fist, praying I don't faint from the impact, as his hand touches my skin, I see him flinch and draw back, my skin right now is hot enough to boil an egg.

His facial features remain hard so I can't tell what he is thinking, he stares at me hard and then steps aside without saying a word, I release a breath I did not know I was holding in and walk past him and his friends and a million pair of surprised and questioning eyes and out the door into my temporary freedom. I will probably get double the beating tomorrow but tomorrow is another day.

I go to lannas and try to do my shift but I find it hard to even stand, she makes me soup and asks me to take the day off and the next day if need be, I thank her and start to walk home.

As much as I appreciate her consideration, the idea of going home early scares me, I think of Zachary and his reaction this afternoon, I hadn't expected him to let me go the way he did.

I don't understand anything about him, why does he pick on me the way he does, why forbid others from doing thesame, why doesn't he pick on anyone else but me?

I shake my head with a little too much force to try and clear it but that only makes me dizzy, I stand for a few seconds to regain my balance and then continue my walk home. Horrible people don't need a reason to be horrible, there's no understanding them.

My alarm clock chimes loudly on the side table, I sit up and yawn just as loud stretching my hands above my head, Friday, the day I live for.

I jump out of bed and into the shower, yesterdays illness almost forgotten, I feel better.

I wear a black off the shoulder gown that stops a little above my knee, my black sneakers and i top it off with my mom's wristband(i never leave home without it).

The walk to school isn't something I enjoy exactly but it gives me time to arrange my many thoughts, all I have are my thoughts.

I spot Zachary in front of his sports car alone, that's a first, where's his entourage.

He sees me as I walk past him and stops me, I can see him trying to make a decision, isn't it too early to get beaten up, I wince internally.

He doesn't say anything for a while, he just leans on his car with a hand in his trouser pocket like a model posing for a lifestyle magazine, his hair a shade of gold and brown.

I get tired of the staring and speak up, "if you're going to hit me just do it already, I have a maths class to attend"

He scoffs at me, "you seem to enjoy being pounded "

"Not as much as you enjoy doing the pounding I can assure you"

He smiles derisively now taking a step towards me, "you have a pretty big mouth for someone this weak" I roll my eyes at him, "I'm a girl, sorry if my strength level doesn't meet your expectations ".

The corner of his lip twitches in a smile, he doesn't look as angry as he usually is, he even seemed kind of excited?

No, I have to be overthinking his body reactions, what is there to be excited about.

He grins wickedly at me, "well it seems you got your strength back, see you after school" and he turns and walks away.

Maybe it is true that I make things worse with my mouth, maybe I should behave like other students behave when they are being picked on, I should whimper and cower in fear, maybe it will make Zachary go easy on me.

I sigh out in frustration as I take my seat and get ready for maths.

Zachary is sited on the same row as me to my far right, he doesn't pay me much mind in class, so I also do not give him any attention, whenever there isn't a teacher in class, I insert my earphones into my ear and go to sleep with my head on my desk.