Lovers or enemies

I pause for a moment hearing him say my name, it's been a while since anyone really said my name, the teachers are used to addressing us by our last names and other students don't exactly talk to me, it feels nice hearing someone call me by my name. His body stops shaking in anger, his fist loosen and he takes deep breaths to steady himself, he walks back to the table looking me in the eye,

"You don't remember, do you?" He asks in a small voice. His face right now, his eyes boring into me, I feel the same electric charge I had felt in school, I take a deep breath breathing in his scent, nothing have ever smelt so good, I trace the curve of his lips with my eyes, I drink in his broad chest well accentuated by the gray shirt he is wearing, the muscles in his arm, my eyes move downwards on their own accord, undressing him, feeling all of him.

"Savannah?" I hear him call my name, his voice the best melody I have heard.

"Have sex with me" I blurt out.

"What?" His eyes widen in disbelief

"You heard me" I say. I have no idea what is happening to me, why it suddenly feels like every nerve in my body is aching for him, but I can't fight the feeling, I want him, whatever happens next, I'll deal with it.

He watches me with mixed expressions, but no anger, no hatred, no mockery, he seems to understand just how I feel.

"Let's get out of here" he says, nodding to the door.

I pick up my bag and walk out, Zachary following behind. He falls into step besides me not saying anything, I feel like my insides are on fire, like if i don't have sex with him this instance I will burst, I turn and plant my lips on his, kissing him hard. He is surprised but doesn't push me away, he wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me close to him, I move my hands down his trousers, placing it on his crotch and squeezing hard, he moans his pleasure into my mouth.

"Hey" he says in a husk voice, stopping me from going any further "your house is close, right, let's get inside first" I nod reluctantly, he also doesn't let me go immediately, his eyes are brown again, as clear as they have always been, he kisses my forehead and drops his hands from around my waist. I let him hold my hand and we walk forward together increasing our pace until we're both running towards my house, we laugh heartily as we reach the door, like two best friends who are upto no good. I retrieve the key from behind a broken flower pot well hidden behind some over grown plants, I open the door and we go in, I throw my bag on the ground and go on my knees abandoning all my insecurities, his trousers and boxer briefs drop to his ankle, fuck, he is huge, I exclaim internally staring at the monster before me. He weaves his fingers into my hair, gripping a handful. His member fills my mouth, it stretches me to my limit making it hard for me to move freely, he gently moves in and out going a little deeper with each thrust until I am left gagging. He pulls out fully and lifts me from the ground carrying me to the dining table,

"Will this do" he asks smiling his mischievous smile, I nod unable to form words, "just put it in, please" I plead. I feel his head in my entrance pushing in, "fuck, fuck, fuck" I cry over and over in pleasure, as he continues to fill me . I pass out from exhaustion, I have never gone three rounds at a go before, he cradles me in his arms and Carries me up the stairs,

"Which of the rooms is yours" I hear his voice from far away.

"First one besides stairs" my crooked voice reply

I feel him drop me gently on the bed and get in besides me drawing the covers up over us both. I snuggle into his arms, I try to remember the last time anyone had cuddled me to sleep but just as the memory makes it's way to me i lose myself to sleep.

I dream of a beautiful brown wolf with brown eyes, we stand on opposite sides of a stream, the wolf calling to me, I feel someone kissing my eyelids and my eyes fly open chasing away my dream.

"Good morning beautiful " a male voice greets me, i stare at the handsome face besides me disoriented trying to piece together the events of the previous evening. "Oh god" i cry out as it finally hits me. He stays unmoving at my side, smiling beautifully.

I get out of bed and run to the bathroom locking the door behind me.

"What did I do?," I stare at my reflection in the mirror, as I recall all that transpired between us. I get that I can be impulsive at times, but how could he let it happen, doesn't he hate me? "He had sex with me, can zachary have sex with me, it doesn't make sense" I splash cold water on my face, "are you okay?" Zacharys seductive voice calls from outside the closed door.

I try to respond but words fail me, nothing makes any sense, is this some sort of prank, a new way for him to make fun of me. Will he go to school next week and brag to his friends about his triumph, I feel my heart beat faster and faster against my chest with rage, who the fuck does he think he is, isn't he fucking up my life enough?