"Can we go eat now, i'm starving" A guy whose hair has been dyed purple laments.
I don't think i have seen him before, or have i?
"Let's go" my lab partner says pulling my hand and i follow her like a puppy on a leash.
I don't know what it is about her plain looks and extremely bubbly personality that makes me feel so warm and trusting towards her.
The cafeteria is already full and bustling with students when we get there, and almost immediately as if on cue they start to whisper and gasp heads turning towards us, eyes boring into me.
I shrink back in the group pulling my hands away from my lab partner (what was her name again?)
She stops and looks at me and so do the boys surrounding us.
"Are you okay?" She asks
Zachary who has been walking behind me with talking quietly with Andre steps beside me and takes my hand in his.
I look into his mesmerising eyes.
"I don't want to eat here" i say
"Its not that bad here, just ignore them"