Three years later
“ how is she Doctor?” Sam asked
The look on Doctor’s face had already answered his question but still he needed to know more.
“ It’s not great I won’t lie. The condition she is in isn’t critical but for some reason she isn’t recovering. There seem to be some sort of pressure, stress or grief in her heart and mind. I have asked her parents but they don’t seem to know the cause. Sam you are her friend and have been visiting her since she got here do you know ANYTHING AT ALL?”
Sam’s heart sank. He knew the cause but what was the point in telling? It won’t help only break Adina’s trust further. She was already damaged too much.
How could this happen to her and because of him? They weren’t just best friends. No their friendship was far beyond any other. They knew each other as if they have been friends their whole life.
“Doctor I am so sorry if I could help I would have done the day she got here”
Sam head turned towards the window of the room inside which Adina was sitting.
She looked ghostly pale with bags under her eyes and just too thin. All the chubbiness from her cheeks were gone along with her radiant summer glow.
Looking calm and still was never foreign for Adina as she always had a resting bitch face but her face at the moment looked as if she was dead. If only she could just let go of those memories.
“ don’t worry Sam she would get better. “ Doctor patted his shoulder in an encouraging way
“ but she won’t ever be the same”
“sorry what was that?”
“Nothing Doctor. Thank you I would visit her in a few days”
*Back to the current time*
Adina and Grey came back to cafeteria and immediately the whole group started teasing them about lovebirds returning after a love walk.
Adina ignored it while Grey replied telling them to cut the crap.
“ What subject is it by the way?” Adina was curious but no one knew the answer. All they knew that they need to speed up if they want to be in the lecture hall in 5 minutes.
By the time they reached the lecture hall the professor was already there.
“look who we have here”
“FUCK!” we all heard sam mumble. There was a slight mischief in the eyes of the professor as he was eyeing Sam.
We all were confused but took our seats. The professor started his class by giving an introduction about himself like where is he from and what are his qualifications and blah blah. No one was paying attention to him off course excluding the students who wanted to please him in order to earn extra points.
Halfway through Adina’s phone rang and she looked through the notifications.
“ Jerry has taught me before. Even the devils are afraid of him. DON’T MESS WITH HIM IN THE SLIGHTEST”
couldn’t even read the text properly when the tap on her table made her look up.
“ Why are you using phone during lecture?” Jerry asked.
‘Is self-introduction of a professor part of my course or is it an important exam question’ as much as Adina wanted to let her intrusive thought out she said something extremely rational instead
“ Apologize professor. I was looking at update the CR just sent”
“ who is the CR?” a girl and a guy raised their hands and the irony is that he literally confirmed whether I was lieing or not. Damn this dude really was a psycho!
Luckily they did send an update so I wasn’t caught.
“ well I would let it slide because this is your first class but I won’t tolerate this champion behavior next time. You must know how I treat champions. Am I wrong Sam?”
All the heads inside that classroom turned towards Sam. Who could do nothing but smile through his pain.
“ why are you back? Didn’t you leave ?”
“ Yeah but I came back”
“ things didn’t worked out so I decided to come back”
“ well in that case welcome back. Everyone Sam here used to be my student. Boy he was a champion. So much so that I even saved this champion from getting copied during exams”
“ sir even you know I wasn’t doing anything. The examiner was getting personal for no apparent reason”
“Hence I am calling you a champion”
Adina had a feeling that this professor would be the one to fuck every student up this semester but would she let him fail her?
Absolutely not!
Jerry spent the first hour of class cracking jokes. Oh boy those jokes were so funny that no one could even bring themselves to fake laugh. Except for the students who wanted to IMPRESS jerry
The second hour all he did was teach a few things here and there while still cracking jokes no one laughed at.
At the last hour he actually started teaching as if his life depended upon it.
He didn’t dismiss the class until it was over on the dot and by that time everyone came out exhausted. It wasn’t even noon yet everyone was drained out of their energies.
“ South it is?” Sam said
“ NOOO LET’s go to cafeteria” Elina protested.
The cafeteria was a little far from their department and south was closer. Thry only had half an hour before their next class. It was pretty reasonable for them to go to south but it was hard to make Elina budge.
Sam was kind of like the heart of the group. Everywhere he went so did the others. Sam usually listened to Elina’s unusual and childish requests.
Many people in the group didn’t like that. Elina wasn’t a bad person but she was too childish for her age. While everyone agreed that going to south was the best and most logical option since it was closer she wanted to go to cafeteria which was further. Not only it was summer and days were getting hotter and hotter but by the time they would reach cafeteria it would be time for their next class.