Chapter 14

*Three years later*

Today was the day Adina got discharged. Her family was over the moon that Adina was recovering. The day after her meeting with Kai was ,when she started getting better. She talked and ate and before they knew it she was getting discharged. Still, their worries didn’t go away. They knew it was an accident that their daughter ended up in hospital but for her to shut everyone out and not talk wasn’t linked to the accident. Her accident caused her physical injuries but what caused her mental injuries? They tried asking Sam but couldn’t get anything out.

“ Let’s go sweetie” Adina’s dad picked up her stuff while her mother took her arm in hers as they walked out of the hospital. At the exit, they ran into Sam who was coming to see Adina.

As much as they wanted to hear what they were about to talk they gave both of them some privacy as they sat in the car waiting for their daughter.

“ Thank you, Sam. Thank you for everything you have done for me”

Adina gave him a small smile but still the grief behind it couldn’t be masked.

“ You don’t need to thank me Adina. That was the least I could do after being indebted to you though I would have done the same if I wasn’t”

Adina gave a weak smile and lowered her gaze deep in thought.

“ Can you do me a favour?” Adina asked.

“ Anything Adina”

“ Tell Gr… tell that person I went abroad. Tell him I moved abroad forever and you lost contact with me with”

Sam’s jaw dropped. He knew she was hurt to the point of no return but for her to take such extreme measures.

“ Are… are you really….?”

“ NO! I am moving just away from this city and my hometown. I don’t know where for now as it would take time to convince my parents so”

Sam knew Adina. He knew she would do anything for the people she loved and cared about. She would forgive if you hurt her but she wasn’t the type to forget. Even when she gets hurt she can’t hurt others but that trait of her was limited. The scariest part about her was when someone crosses the limit and unlocks her trait of neither forgiving nor forgetting. She would go to extreme lengths and make sure that the person suffered to the point that they would cry. The only time he saw her doing that was with Ezra when he was being an ass. Oh boy not only she humiliated him but made him isolated from everyone. Everyone hates him to this day. Even though he knew that person deserved it he told her to reconsider. He told her she could punish that person by doing anything but disappearing. That person was already going crazy about not being able to find her. What would he do when Sam tells him what Adina asked? Sam was practically begging her to reconsider.

“It’s not a punishment Sam. I am merely fulfilling his long-lost wish”

‘ I don’t wish you see your face ever again ‘ those words rang in Sam’s mind.

“Promise me you won’t break contact completely,” Sam told Adina as they both hugged each other.

“ I will come when Elina delivers the baby”

“ Promise? ”

Adina nodded before she walked to her car. Sam watched her until she disappeared into the traffic. Just when her car was no longer in sight his phone rang.

Seeing the callers id he couldn’t help but pity. He didn’t wish to break the news to him right now so just hung up and started walking towards his car.

“ I knew it” Sam was shocked to see Grey standing in front of his car. Grey knew Sam was covering up Adina’s whereabouts. He tried asking but Sam didn’t budge o slip at all. Grey even went as far as stalking Sam trying to find where Adina was. He knew she was in hospital but there were thousands of them but Sam was just too smart.

Today Sam told everyone about Elina’s pregnancy. Grey went to congratulate Elina and asked where Sam was. Elina accidentally told him the name of the hospital and he didn’t think twice before rushing there.

“Where is she?” Grey started walking towards the hospital entrance

“ You don’t deserve to see her” Sam blocked his way

“ I don’t care. I need to see her” Grey stated pushing through

“ You lost all your right when you told her you never wish to see her face again” Sam pushed him back to which Grey punched his face

“ That was a mistake. I will apologize and make everything right. She will forgive me” He yelled at Sam but deep down he knew he was comforting himself saying that. Sam quickly recovered and punched him back.

“ How many times? Huhhhh? How many times has she forgiven you? How many times did she let things go? After being such an ass and destroying her both physically and mentally you think a sorry would be all it takes for everything to be alright? “

Sam’s anger was at its peak. He rarely got angry and never for other's sake but this was an exception. This wasn’t his anger but Adina’s. She should be the one saying all this but instead, she just walked away.

Grey calmed down a little as his eyes started to fill with tears.

“ I know a sorry won’t do anything. Whatever it takes for her to forgive me I would do it. I promise even if I have to spend the rest of my life asking for her forgiveness I would do it but please….” Grey voices started to crack and tears fell.

“ Please…. I can’t see my life……and not have her in it. Even if she hates me to bones I want it.

Hate, disgust, resentment I don’t care what emotion she holds towards me I want it. I would rather be the most hated guy……. of her life than be nothing….. please Sam I beg you….”

Grey walked towards the hospital entrance. He didn’t care if she hated him. It was still better than being nothing to her. He didn’t care if Sam kills him he needs to see Adina. He needs to tell her.

“ You can’t meet her” Sam held his forearm and stared at him. Grey was ready to punch Sam but then Sam said something but broke him to his core.

“ Adina moved to another state.”


“ She moved” Sam didn’t want to lie. He knew it would break Grey but he needed to do it.

“ YOU ARE LIEING!” grey fell on the floor as his legs were too weak

“ I came to meet her as well but the staff informed me she left for another country. She would never come back”