chapter 15

(Eric) got out of the bathroom carrying a towel with which he dries his face and hands after washing them to wake up ...

(Mary) said: Come on for coffee, until you wake up.

Shyly (Eric) sat down and started drinking his coffee leisurely ... Then he apologized: I'm sorry.

(Mary) looked at him, and he continued: I did not mean to kiss you like this? I'm not fully conscious!

(Mary) put her fingers on her lips and then said in shame: It's okay.

She looked at her wristwatch, and it became clear that the time passed quickly, so she got up in a hurry and said: It's too late for me... I have to go now?

(Eric) put the cup of coffee out of his hands, and quickly got up behind her and said: I'm sorry again, I caused you a lot of inconvenience.

(Mary) smiled and said: It's okay, I was worried about you when I heard your voice on the phone, I came quickly and did not tell anyone I was going, so everyone must be worried now?

(Eric): You're late. Would you like me to pick you up?