chapter 26

She stopped talking cheerfully, and said with tearful eyes: But I wanted to start the New Year with you .... Oh God, look at the clock, it is only few minutes to twelve, it seems that the miracles of Christmas are achieved with ...

And she kept talking, while he stood up, he turned to her, grabbed her hands, took off his mask and kissed her on the lips ...

She stood like a statue not moving, showing no reaction to what it was doing?

While, he puts his hands on her mouth and hides his head in her chest while he was bowed and says: You really talk a lot ....

she said in an intermittent, hesitant voice: (Johnny)!!!! ...

He got upright and put on his mask again, and turned to leave

Her silence remained astonished at his action for a while and was about to say something until he said: You have achieved Christmas miracles? .... Happy New Year (Emma).

And leaving her alone in a series of surprises and questions ??? .
