(Emma) brought herself a cup of juice from the refrigerator, and then she sat on the sofa next to (Henry), who was overwhelmed in thinking ...
Then she said: What are you going to do?!
He looked at her for a few seconds and then got up, looking out his window, saying: I don't know?
She sighed, put the cup of juice on the table next to her, got up and arranged on his back and said: (Henry) It's okay, I know the topic is complicated but you've been searching for it for a long time.
(Henry) turned to her and looked at her for a while, then said: I am afraid to know why she left me, I am afraid that we will talk about anything that might hurt her or hurt me from the people around me.
(Emma) hugged him saying: It's okay, I'm with you.
Including her (Henry) more he says: Are you really always going to stay with me?!