chapter 54

(Isabella) sighed as she took out a cigarette from her bag, lit it and said: What is between you and (Henry)?

(Emma) laughed as she pointed to the place: Is it not clear to you what is between us?!

(Isabella) blew some of her cigarettes and says: (Emma) not on your mother ... Tell me what do you want from him? And please do not tell me that it is love, sympathy, and this talk because I know it is not the truth.

(Emma): What makes you angry about this? I have complete freedom in what to do?

(Isabella): Okay, so let's see what your mind might get you to do?

(Emma): Mommy, get yourself off this topic completely ... and tell me what do you want from me? Or in a more correct sense, what do you want (Henry) to do with (Diana)?!!!!

Loud, her mother’s laughter says: Did I not say that we are the same .... In general, I will not dwell on the topic ...